He’s having a passionate exchange with Professor Ted Cruz while listening to #CNN #News. Sources 1/ https://Google.com/ 2/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fL1ljODOvLE The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing...
The Senate Judicial Court, which was considering the appellate court of the 1st circuit of Judge Gustavo Gelpí, warmed up when Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) began...
Carly Fiorina has discussed how drugs have affected her family in CNN’s Republican presidential debate. . source
Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) takes the weight out of Senator Josh Hawley’s (R-MO) remarks at the CPAC, and called on him to use fear and lies...
CNN’s John Avlon has verified a check from Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) that Trump supporters were not primarily responsible for the January 6 attack on the...
CNN’s Brianna Keilar has broken the debate over Senator Ted Cruz’s family trip to Cancun, Mexico, while her hometown suffered power outages and freezing temperatures. #BriannaKeilar...
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