At least 59 people have been killed and more than 150 injured in an explosion at a mosque in the city of Peshawar. It is believed...
Seven people have been shot dead in a synagogue in East Jerusalem. The attack happened on Holocaust Remembrance Day. A 14-year-old boy is among the dead,...
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has joined the coalition to fight ISIS. CNN’s Elise Labott reports. Sources 1/ 2/ The mention sources can contact us...
A Libyan accused of involvement in the December 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over the town of Lockerbie is now in US custody, according...
A 5.6-magnitude earthquake jolted the Indonesian province of West Java on November 21, 2022 02:18. Indonesia. At least 160 dead after the earthquake in Indonesia. Sources...
At least six people were killed today in an explosion in a central shopping street in the Turkish city of Istanbul – dozens more were injured....
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