In an unexpected twist of fate, a tiny creature – a baby rabbit changed everything for a former political consultant, more used to the comings and...
Australian castaway Tim Shaddock is leaving his dog Bella behind in Mexico after three months together stranded at sea. #news #castaway #sailor #australia #dog #mexico #australiansailor...
Wildlife trappers were dispatched to remove a “massive” crocodile from a pool in Plantation Key, Florida. #CNN #News #Florida #crocodile Sources 1/ 2/ The mention...
A beloved swan has been stolen and eaten by teenagers in New York. Three arrests have been made, including grand theft and criminal mischief related to...
Whale researcher Dr. Deborah Giles theorizes why killer whales are striking and sinking ships off the coast of Spain. #CNN #news Sources 1/ 2/ The...
Could reducing the amount of methane in beef farts help save the planet? #climate #climatechange #climatecrisis #cows #animals (Subscribe: ——- Check out more of our explainer...
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