'The Apprentice' follows Donald Trump's rise in New York in the 1970s and '80s, and has already sparked controversy for a scene in which Trump's character...
Beloved British actress Dame Maggie Smith has died aged 89. A legend of stage and screen, he was best known for his prominent roles in Harry...
In May, Channel 4 News published exclusive figures showing that 1 in 12 people working in film and television are from the working class, the lowest...
The old adage “it's what you know, not what you know” has always applied to the creative industries and despite attempts to change the image of...
Hateful obscene messages, vulgar insults, all posted by anonymous trolls. No, this is not modern-day social media, but 1920s Sussex, the true story of Edith Swan,...
He is an actor who would be hard to type, but Eddie Marsan always plays the villain. “I think it has a lot to do with...
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