The cost of government borrowing rose again this morning and the pound fell – financial markets are still worried about the country's troubled economy and weak...
Donald Trump's return to the White House will reshape US foreign policy, promising uncertainty on many fronts. Mr Trump has promised to end the war in...
CNN’s Fareed Zakaria discusses the potential impact on the US dollar after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he favors using the Chinese yuan for financial...
Troubled bank Credit Suisse has been rescued by its Swiss rival UBS in a government-backed deal. The announcement comes after emergency talks in Switzerland between the...
Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng said scrapping the 45p tax rate for top earners had become too much of a distraction. (Subscribe to: But the sudden reversal, just...
Cathy Newman sat down with Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer at the Liverpool 2022 Labor Conference and asked him about the tax cuts announced by Chancellor...
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