House Democrats have opened a formal impeachment inquiry into whether President Trump pressured Ukraine to join the investigation into his Democratic rival, Joe Biden. (Subscribe to:...
Jay-Z talks about President Trump’s “shithole countries” with CNN’s Van Jones. Sources 1/ 2/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article
As the push for alternative social media sites continues, CNN’s Jake Tapper joined the far-right social media site Gab, which preaches free speech, individual liberty and...
Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), a member of the Jan. 6 House Select Committee, discusses new footage from the day of the riot, and explains who the...
CNN’s Jake Tapper explains how former President Donald Trump’s many controversies changed the meaning of a political scandal, and politicians like Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker...
New evidence revealed by the January 6 congressional committee shows that the Secret Service knew about the threats long before the January 6 attacks. CNN law...
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