Bayezid Şenbuk – Istanbul A 13-year-old boy who survived last year's devastating earthquakes in southern Turkey, claiming the life of his father and one of his...
Izmir Survivors, city officials and citizens gathered in the western city of Izmir on October 30 to commemorate the victims of the 2020 earthquake that struck...
Malatya A 5.9-magnitude earthquake rocked the eastern province of Malatya on October 16, causing tremors in several nearby areas but no major damage was reported. The...
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has approved a US$200 million loan for the Emergency Road Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project in Turkey to support the country’s...
Earthquakes occurring all over the world can be monitored at the station, which was built in cooperation with the Turkish Disaster and Emergency Management Authority and...
According to data published by disaster management specialist Bulent Ozmen, associate professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Gazi University, Turkey experienced about...
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