Three retired military veterans testified at a House hearing on unidentified anomalous phenomena – commonly known as UFOs – warning that the sightings are a national...
CNN’s Anderson Cooper speaks with retired Navy pilot Lt. Cmdr. Alex Dietrich about her 2004 encounter with an unidentified anomalous phenomenon – commonly known as a...
Astrophysics professor Adam Frank has reported a sighting of a “large creature” in Las Vegas after a green light flashed across the sky. #CNN #News Sources...
UFO journalist and filmmaker Jeremy Corbell believes that NASA’s involvement in UAP investigations last week will further remove barriers to reporting the phenomena and lead to...
Astrophysicist Hakeem Oluseyi joins CNN’s Victor Blackwell to discuss NASA’s independent investigation into mysterious flying objects to be released this summer. #CNN #News Sources 1/
NASA reveals discoveries of unidentified objects and debates whether they are from outer space in its first public meeting at NASA headquarters in Washington, DC. CNN’s...
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