CNN’s Anderson Cooper speaks with retired Navy pilot Lt. Cmdr. Alex Dietrich about her 2004 encounter with an unidentified anomalous phenomenon – commonly known as a...
The Falklands War took place 40 years ago, but many of those who fought there still live with the scars of the 10-week conflict with Argentina....
A procedural vote to advance legislation aimed at helping millions of veterans exposed to toxic burn pits failed in a surprise move that the Senate Veterans...
In the United States, 57% of people are fully vaccinated. (For reference, the number of fully immunized New York is 66%.) Canada is 74%, far ahead...
The three veterans who spoke with Ambassador Bill Taylor, a key witness in the House forensic Survey that attacked the president, defended him as an “honorary...
Wednesday, April 28, 2021 (Kaiser News)-Given the high rates of painkillers prescribed to these patients, Covid survivors may have a second pandemic, this time opioid addiction....
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