Days after the devastating earthquake in Afghanistan, relatives and friends of the missing residents of Paktika province are desperately searching for survivors with limited resources and...
CNN’s Brian Todd is in Buffalo, New York, where he continues his investigation into the mass shooting at the Tops grocery store. Todd talks to a...
CNN’s Victor Blackwell talks about the legacy left by his aunt to the family of one of the ten victims who died in Buffalo, New York....
CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta shares the remarkable story of Dr. Monzer Yazji, a Syrian-American who is risking his life to travel to Ukraine to help local...
He killed four young homosexuals before taking them to court. (Subscribe: ——- Relatives of the victims of the Stephen Port serial killer have long said that...
A major study five years ago concluded that within 73 years, children in foster care in Northern Ireland had been subjected to systematic physical, emotional and...
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