How often you wash your dog’s bowl can affect your health Poor methods of feeding pets, preserving food, and washing dishes can have adverse health effects...
Last Week’s Heath News: Too many naps can lead to dementia, the benefits of alternative sweeteners, and more. Excessive naps can be a sign of dementia...
COVID-19 vaccination rates for children and teens in Nebraska continue to grow steadily. According to doctors, this is a good start, but we recommend that families...
LAURANNEERGAARD-AP Medical Writing Scientists are uniquely regarded as a diverse genomic database, first peeking at the genes of nearly 100,000 Americans. This is part of a...
Dr. Nizar Webbi of the State Department of Health said the move to the endemic stage does not mean that the virus is gone. “The virus...
Monday, February 14, 2022 (HealthDay News)-For inpatients with COVID-19, pre-infection vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased likelihood of severe or serious illness. PLOS ONE.....
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