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System requirements for DOOM Eternal PC released on Steam and then removed


Developer id Software has released system requirements for its highly anticipated next game DOOM Eternal, and the hardware needed to run the game on the recommended settings can cost more than a pretty penny. id Software has long been a leader in the world of PC gaming and engine optimization, as evidenced by the pioneer of first-person shooter with games like Wolfenstein, Earthquake and CONDEMN.

Now it looks like id Software continues to push the boundaries of game performance with DOOM Eternal. Last week, id Software announced that DOOM Eternal was capable of running at 1000 frames per second, although the program's chief engineer, Billy Khan, admitted that the company's best-performing test kits were only doing that push the game into the 400s. One of the reasons why so many PC enthusiasts can be excited about the potential performance capacity of DOOM Eternal is because the game runs on the brand new id software id Tech 7 game engine. This is important as there aren't many studios that use proprietary game engines, but id Software has always been a technical innovator. Developer 2016 CONDEMN reboot has received rave reviews from critics for its gameplay and technical performance, although it doesn't have an in-game benchmark tool for testing advanced PC settings.

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Full overview of system requirements and recommended specifications for DOOM Eternal has been reported by GameSpot. According to the report, the absolute minimum operating requirements DOOM Eternal at 60 frames per second at 1080p resolution on the low settings are: Windows 7 or 10 64-bit OS, Intel Core i5 at 3.3 GHz or better, or AMD Ryzen 3 at 3.1 GHz or better, 8 GB of RAM , NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (4 GB), or AMD Radeon R9 290 (4 GB) / RX 470 (4 GB) and 50 GB of available space. The recommended technical specifications have the same operating system and storage requirements, but additionally require: Intel Core i7-6700K or higher, or AMD Ryzen 7 1800X or higher, 16 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 ( 8 GB), RTX 2060 (8 GB) or AMD Radeon RX Vega56 (8 GB).

Doom Eternal Stadia screenshot

Shortly after GameSpot reported these specifications and requirements for DOOM Eternal,they have been removed from Steam. At the time of this writing, the Minimum and Recommended Specifications tab of the DOOM Eternal Steam the page is blank, in addition to saying that the game requires "a 64-bit processor and an operating system."It is currently unknown whether the specifications that were originally reported were published in error."

The minimum specifications reported for execution DOOM Eternal seemed a bit imposing. Although PC gamers who regularly update their platforms with quality graphics cards may laugh at the notion of a GTX 970 "state of the art," it is important to remember that DOOM Eternal Also launching on the base model PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, two pieces of hardware that do not meet the minimum requirements of the game. DOOM Eternal should be launched soon, March 20, 2020.

Next: DOOM Eternal Preview: The Doom Slayer Has Some New Toys

Sources: GameSpot, Steam

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