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Google wants people in the office, despite increased productivity at

Google wants people in the office, despite increased productivity at


Google’s software engineers reported something that surprised senior officials in a recent survey. They felt as productive as working from home, as they were before the pandemic.

In an internal study of the Alphabet Inc. unit, employees want to increase collaboration and social ties in the workplace, according to Brian Welle, vice president of human resources. Well refused to provide accurate figures, but said more than 75% of the employees surveyed responded this way. Also, most staff were particularly hungry for physical proximity when working on new projects.

There’s something about innovative work when you need that spark, Well said in an interview. Our employees feel that those moments happen better when they are together.

So, despite productivity recovery, tech giants are sticking to plans to bring most employees back to the office this fall. Google is considering which individual employees can continue to work full-time from home and who needs to join, resulting in a lack of clear direction and uneven enforcement of policies. Some staff are dissatisfied. This month, when Google’s senior executives announced that they would work in New Zealand, the company bulletin board went on. In the meantime, most low-level staff are waiting to learn if they can relocate or have to come to the office.

Google’s return to office life is being watched carefully. The search giant actually invented the gorgeous Silicon Valley campus with plenty of free food, nap pods, and other perks. Google saves about $ 1 billion annually thanks to remote work, but has invested far more in recent real estate expansions in San Jose, California, New York City, and more. And even Google has to fight those who don’t want to give up the comfort and financial benefits of remotework, especially with a white-collar workforce that doesn’t rebel against management.

Workers in many industries have decided to quit their jobs instead of giving up on virtual jobs. Some tech companies went completely remote during the pandemic, while others like Apple Inc. dealt with staff who resisted returns. As small cities try to seduce rich tech employees from the coast, new domestic industries have sprung up around work in remote areas. “Google and Apple have some of the best offices,” said Evan Hock, co-founder of, an online directory for remote work. “If they’re dealing with it, it’s safe to assume that everyone else will.”

Well runs Googles People Analytics, a department that tracks staff performance and opinion, and shared the findings last week when Google voluntarily opened Mountain View headquarters for staff. In September, Google asks most employees to return three days a week. Well said that when a pandemic occurred, overall productivity readings plummeted quickly. It was only in May of this year that these productivity figures tracked in a self-reported employee survey regained a pleasant surprise for the Wells division. Google shared only the findings from engineers. The company also employs thousands of non-engineers.

In May, the company relaxed its return to work policy. CEO Sundar Pichai told staff about a new plan for a hybrid work model. 60% of the company will return to their old office three days a week. The fifth may apply to relocation to another office. An additional one-fifth can be applied to work remotely and full-time. Google announced in August that it would notify staff of these decisions, and the company has set up internal tools for employees to send and track these requests.

But the message was sometimes clumsy.

Its latest internal spark began in June, when Urs Hlzle, a powerful executive overseeing Google’s technology infrastructure, emailed staff about plans to move from California to New Zealand for at least a year. For many of their subordinates awaiting approval to change their work situation, this unexpected news felt careless and unfair. Under Google’s policy, moving to a cheaper city could mean a reduction in wages.

Some employees complained about Hlzles’ decision on text threads and memegen, the company’s internal messaging board. Laura de Vesine, a senior engineer working under Hlzle, said the email was very jarring. Obviously, there is a huge double standard.

It was even the subject of Manu Cornet’s cartoon, a veteran Google software engineer renowned in-house for cartoons disguised as its culture. Cornet recently left Google for Twitter Inc.

A Google spokesman said the Hlzles relocation request was approved last year but postponed due to a pandemic. In his email, Hlzle said he would continue to work during California time. A spokeswoman said Hlzle supports remotework and that all levels in his department have employees who are authorized to move or work remotely.

Hlzle, Google’s eighth employee, is known internally for building teams that manage vast data centers and server farms. I’m not retired, just change my location! Hlzle emailed staff and was reviewed by Bloomberg News. In a previous email from May, Hlzle said remote employees could be excluded from instant conversations in the office if the collaboration was known to take place. CNET has previously reported on Hlzles emails and staff reactions.

In an internal message about the move of Hlzles, a frustrated Google staff member redisplayed an email from a former colleague from New Zealand. According to a copy reviewed by Bloomberg News, the person said he would leave the company in April 2020 after failing to get permission to work away from the country.

Well declined to comment specifically on Hlzle, but said Google would be flexible in responding to specific demands. He said there was an exception.

In recent years, Google employees have been competing with management over many issues. Staff have responded by complaining that the brass company has created barriers to communication and made less transparent decisions. Meanwhile, executives complain that a more active employee base has forced them to withhold information.

Google pays a lot of employees a lot and there is no risk of a major spill over returning to the office. Still, some are starting. Google engineer DeVesine considered moving out of the expensive bay area during the pandemic, but without management approval. Uncertainty about what Google’s policy would be, she said, stuck me. And I was tired of waiting. She plans to leave Google and go to another company’s remote location. De Vesine said she did not speak on behalf of the Alphabet Workers Union, a member labor group.

Well emphasized that Google’s guidelines for remote work may still change. The percentage of employees expected to return to the office is still an estimate. Google has not shared the number of remotely approved employee remote work requests so far. However, Well called the overall acceptance of employees a positive transition.

So far, he said it’s very good. Let’s see how it unfolds.




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