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Tesla Revenue Report: Here are 8 things investors are looking for


Therefore, whether the best-performing stocks of 2020 can get back on track will depend heavily on what investors hear on Monday night when Tesla announces its second-quarter results.

Unlike other automakers, Tesla usually reports only global figures and does not categorize sales by country or market. But if you want to secure investors, you need to elaborate on sales in China, which is not only the largest market for all car sales, but also the main market with the largest share of sales to EVs. There may be.

Tesla was hit by extensive reports of safety issues in China, including recalls of almost every car manufactured at its Shanghai plant and protests by Tesla owners at the April Shanghai Motor Show.

“China’s growth story is at the top of Tesla’s list,” said Dan Ives, a technical analyst at Wedbush Securities and a Tesla bull. “This is their main market and we believe that 40% of their sales will come from there next year. I think that’s the cornerstone of a rise or fall in stock prices.”

According to statistics quoted by Gordon Johnson of GLJ Research, an analyst who is one of Tesla’s toughest critics, sales of EVs from other automakers in China are reported to be growing, but Tesla Sales in China fell by 9.2%.

“It’s clear that Tesla has a demand problem in China,” he wrote in a recent note. “A slump in domestic sales in China in the second quarter of 2021 could lead to a slump in Tesla’s second quarter earnings.”

How did you make a profit?

Analysts surveyed by Refinitiv expect Tesla to report more than $ 1 billion in adjusted earnings and a net earnings of approximately $ 650 million for the second straight quarter. Both are company records, recording quarterly profits for the eighth consecutive year after years of loss.

But Tesla critics say that its net profit never exceeds the money it earns from selling regulated tax credits to other automakers whose EV sales are a tiny percentage of total sales. I will point out that. Other car makers use credits purchased from Tesla to meet environmental standards and avoid heavy fines.

Tesla earned $ 518 million from these sales in the first quarter, but expects even Tesla to continue selling these as other automakers are starting to sell more of their EVs. I admit I can’t. Critics of the company say it’s proof that Tesla can’t make money just by selling a car.

As the quote suggests, if its net profit eventually exceeds those credits, it will be an important milestone for the company, Ives said.

“It will throw one of the core bear debates over inventory out the window,” he said.

What is the holding of that Bitcoin?

In February, Tesla revealed that it had used some of its cash to buy $ 1.5 billion in Bitcoin. In April, the company sold some of its holdings and revealed that it had posted a net profit of $ 101 million from cryptocurrency transactions, saying that the company did not actually sell cars and make money. In addition to the debate, Bitcoin trading has strained some investors, Ives said, especially since cryptocurrencies have lost more than one-third of their value.

What are the supply chain issues?

The entire global automotive industry is suffering from a shortage of computer chips.

Tesla is currently intensifying competition for the raw materials that make up large EVe batteries, such as lithium, as other automakers are increasing their EV production.

In May, Musk tweeted that Tesla had to raise car prices due to rising raw material costs. Raw material price outlook and supply of parts such as chips and batteries will be key to investors’ expectations for the rest of Tesla’s sales this year.

What about the new plants in Texas and Germany?

Tesla has a proven track record of launching and operating new plants much faster than traditional automakers.

There is a factory under construction near Austin, Texas, which manufactures Model Y SUVs and ultimately Cybertruck pickups. It will also build another plant near Berlin to serve the European market, which has lost its position in EV sales to Volkswagen (VLKAF).

Building two plants at the same time is Tesla’s most ambitious expansion to date, and the outlook for when the plants will be operational is key to future investor expectations.

Tesla said in April that it expects both plants to be in limited production later this year and “mass-produced” in 2022. It is not clear what that means.

What is the latest information on Cybertruck?

As many established automakers such as the Ford (F) and General Motors (GM) are on the verge of selling their own electric pickups, Tesla will soon hand over its first pickup, the Cybertruck. Is important. In January Musk said it expected “mass production” in 2022. Then in March he tweeted, “I’ll probably update in the second quarter.” He said the current focus is on completing the Texas plant, calling the work a “beast.” Investors are anxious to get the update.

What are your plans to open Tesla’s supercharger to EVs from other automakers?

“We will open the supercharger network to other EVs later this year,” Musk said in a tweet last week. As is often the case when he makes news on tweets, there were no details to help investors assess the business impact of such a move.

That may be important. “By 2030, Tesla’s supercharged revenue is conservatively estimated at $ 2.9 billion, from vehicles other than Tesla,” said Adam Jonas, a car analyst at Morgan Stanley, in a post-tweet note. Revenue is not included. “

Musk will almost certainly be asked about plans to open the network to other companies’ cars during a conference call.

What is the outlook for fully autonomous vehicles?

That’s one of the reasons Tesla’s stock is so much higher than traditional car stock. Investor beliefs are closer to offering fully self-driving cars (FSDs) than any other company.

Musk continues to promise advances in FSD versions in his tweets. Tesla CFO Zach Kirkhorn talked about the potential for significant revenue from drivers who make FSD payments on a subscription basis in a previous earnings call.

But so far, FSD has been more promising than reality. Investors will enthusiastically listen to the latest outlook and the returns Tesla wants to earn from it.




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