Lack of military-civilian cooperation framework that impedes space technology innovation: IAF Deputy Chief
The lack of a framework for cooperation between military and civilian entities has prevented India from innovating and manufacturing next-generation space technology on a large scale, Air Force Marshal Vivek Lam Chaudari said Tuesday. .. At an industry association event, the Deputy Chief of the Indian Air Force (IAF) said, “In our context, the Indian Space Ecosystem (now primarily civilian) is the Space Commission and its components, the Space Agency. It works around. ” FICCI.
In line with this, he says, the lack of a robust “military-civilian fusion” -like framework is preventing us from innovating and manufacturing next-generation space technology on a large scale. He added that he needed to focus. According to the US State Department, “Civil-Military Relations” or MC is an aggressive national strategy of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) aimed at enabling China to develop the most technologically advanced troops in the world. An important part of the MCF is to remove barriers between China’s private research and commercial sectors, and its military and defense industry sectors, the US State Department said.
Chaudari said India currently lacks the unique ability to observe, track, and identify uncooperative objects in outer space. “This not only limits defensive counterspace capabilities, but also future satellite attack capabilities,” he said. Therefore, space situational awareness is a time-consuming process, and he said he should be able to know the hostile manipulations of enemy space objects.
“The existing functions of ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) and DRDO (Defense Research and Development Organization) need to be integrated into the IAF’s atmospheric surveillance images. It will be, “he said. In the Indian context, another important focus is to complement the ground-based ballistic missile architecture by creating space-based ballistic missile defenses, Chaudhari said. “It should enable early warning detection and destruction of ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles), as well as predicting launch pad locations and collision points,” he said.
Another changing paradigm in space applications is the growing prevalence of low earth orbit or LEO satellites, especially in areas that have historically been purely done by geostationary satellites. One example, he said, is SpaceX’s Starlink satellite network, which provides consumers around the world with low-latency broadband Internet. “Traditional communications satellites with geostationary orbit have proven their value due to their long service life and wide coverage, but low-Earth orbit communications satellites have their own advantages,” he said. I am.
He added that the disadvantages of requiring multiple satellites can be mitigated by faster communications and lower vulnerabilities when compared to existing geostationary satellites. “We are entering a proliferating low earth orbit with the entry of multiple commercial players into this segment. Over time, technology is evolving rapidly, thereby favoring manufacturing in favor of the transition to this concept. And reduce start-up costs, “he said.
He said this would be an important area of cooperation between the military and commercial groups in the near future. Chaudari said on Tuesday that the Defense Space Agency (DSA), the leader in consolidating Indian military demand, will play an important role in synergizing military and civilian space cooperation to achieve the desired capabilities. He said he could do it. “This will increase the interaction between both government and commercial space agencies,” he said.
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