Redmi Note 10 5G certification reveals its design and specifications
The Redmi Note 10 5G has been certified in China, and this certification has revealed its design and specifications. The phone has been certified by TENAA, which is the Chinese equivalent of the FCC.
This smartphone is very likely to be very popular, just like its predecessors. The Redmi Note 10 5G actually comes with pretty compelling specs, as it will be very affordable once it launches, while its design has nothing to laugh about either.
The design and specifications of the Redmi Note 10 5G have been revealed by TENAA
This phone will be made of metal and glass. The blue variant of the phone has been listed on TENAA, as you can see. The device will include a water drop display notch and fairly thin bezels.
All of its physical keys will be placed on the right, while its on / off key will be in a color contrasting to the color of the phone. The device will include a flat screen and its back will be curved.
On the back, you will notice three cameras and an LED flash. All of these are included in a camera module that is centered on the back, and protrudes a bit. The Redmi logo is also visible on the back.
The Redmi Note 10 5G will have a 6.57-inch FullHD + OLED screen (2400 x 1080). It will be a display at 60 Hz, almost certainly, even if its refresh rate is not mentioned on TENAA.
The device will be powered by one of the MediaTek processors. It will likely be the Dimensity 820, but we cannot say for sure.
The phone will be available in several variants. Its 4 GB and 6 GB RAM variants will offer 64 GB of storage. The phone’s 8 GB RAM model will include 128 GB / 256 GB of storage. You can extend all variants with a microSD card up to 2 TB.
Android 10 will be preinstalled on the device, with MIUI 11
Android 10 will be preinstalled on the device, as well as MIUI 11. A 48 megapixel camera (PDAF, EIS, 0.8 µm pixel size) will be the phone’s main camera. In addition to that, it will also include ultra wide and deep cameras.
A 16-megapixel camera will be placed on the front of this phone. An infrared blaster will be placed at the top of the device, while an integrated fingerprint scanner will also be included.
This phone will be powered by a 4500 mAh battery, which will not be removable. You can recharge it quite quickly using a fast wired charge of 22.5 W.
The device will come with Bluetooth 5 and a USB type C port. The Redmi Note 10 5G will measure 164.15 x 75.75 x 8.99 mm and will weigh 206 grams.
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