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Amazon Microsoft Google remains a top cloud vendor, but that’s not always the case


Photo: Andrew Chudy

After the recent earnings announcement, it’s clear that cloud computing is somehow driving revenue for many big tech companies. Recent releases on the market show that this is the case. Earlier this week, for example, Verizon, based in Basking Ridge, NJ, announced the general release of an on-premises private edge computing solution in partnership with Microsoft Azure. Verizon 5G Edge and Microsoft Azure Stack Edge are cloud computing platforms that enable computing and storage at the edge of the enterprise.

Elsewhere this week, Germany-based SAP and California-based Google have deepened their partnership as part of Rise with SAP. This is the company’s latest effort to spur the transition to S / 4HANA, which looks like the evolution of the public cloud hyperscaler market. For SAP customers.

Top cloud providers: Amazon, Google, Microsoft

That’s a typical week in the cloud industry. Amazon, Google, and Microsoft dominate the space, and it seems unlikely that there’s room for someone else. In fact, according to data from the Synergy Research Group released in January, the total number of large data centers operated by hyperscale providers increased to 597 at the end of 2020, more than doubling from the end of 2015.

He also showed that among hyperscale operators, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google account for more than half of all major data centers. Amazon and Google have opened state-of-the-art data centers in the last 12 months, accounting for an additional half of 2020, with Oracle, Microsoft, Alibaba and Facebook being particularly active.

Hyperscale data centers are large, business-critical facilities designed to efficiently support robust and scalable applications, often with big data generation from Google, Amazon, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft, and more. Associated with the company.

What are Cloud Market Options?

The result of this continued position in the cloud market is that many companies have treated Amazon and Microsoft as their only options when trying to embrace cloud computing. However, as more money is being invested in cloud computing, there is increasing evidence that IT and tech vendors are looking for alternatives. In fact, looking at data from alternative research firms like Stackline, the current state of Cloud Wars is from a 5% reduction in cloud budget allocation in 2020 to an updated flow in 2021. It shows a general decrease. Growth of 8% in space.

A new cloud to support this type of work model, as global businesses have stepped into remote hybrid decentralized work and since March 2020, about 60% are still primarily remote and more than 30% in hybrid models. Infrastructure has also created new cybersecurity threats. In particular, as the number of juxtaposed teams grows, New York City-based Elizabeth Hanker said she is an advisor to technology start-ups that have worked with HyperVerge, DecentraNET and others.

But the question is whether the distribution is equal for all players. Obviously not. The biggest beneficiaries of this growth appear to be the strongest security offered within the enterprise cloud stack. Azure appears to be in second place with just over 30% as AWS maintains 50% of its existing ownership status in cloud space, with Alibaba and GCP accounting for nearly 17% of all cloud adapters. It is shared evenly.

Of the four, AWS was the only company to see recent growth, as the trend of decentralization does not mediate a historically monolithic corporate environment. Given the relatively rapid growth in demand for cloud-first architectural skillsets, the IT services and consulting industry is seeing a tandem rise, boosting market leaders such as Accenture, Oracle, Juniper, Teradata and Cooper. Can be done. Fortune 1000 players have historically chosen from enterprise monoliths that offer cloud computing and services, and now they see microservices that offer unprecedented expertise and agility. With the increasing liquidity and popularity of SPACS, SPARS, and IPOs, the space that seemed to shrink unstoppably through M & A shows new independence. In this regard, she pointed out that some of the biggest winners in 2021 include managed data players such as InfoSec, RPA, Snowflake, UiPath and Splunk.

Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services still dominate the market, but other players are gaining momentum. Google Cloud Platform is an attractive option for IT managers interested in big data and analytics workloads.

A place for other cloud providers

Meanwhile, hybrid cloud and traditional data center providers such as IBM, Hewlett-Packard, and VMware also occupy that position, said Brad Touesnard, founder and CEO of Canada-based SpinupWP. Salesforce and ServiceNow have established themselves as key platforms with a suite of enablements to get back to work.

It all comes down to one thing. The battle is fought over data acquisition. Key players know that the more corporate data that exists in the cloud, the greater the loyalty of their customers. Cloud computing vendors are pitching their enterprises to use data storage platforms for everything from analytics to personalized experiences.

He said the main differentiators for discerning IT managers here are artificial intelligence, IoT, analytics, and edge computing. Another important factor is the provision of serverless and managed services. Cloud vendors such as Google Cloud Platform, AWS, and Hewlett-Packard are trying to attract customers by providing a management layer for managing other properties.

Which cloud providers are investing in infrastructure

You can’t underestimate the advantages of AWS and Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure. However, because there are several other companies investing in the infrastructure business to make space truly competitive, business owners have more options than providers, Massachusetts said. Phil Strazzulla of Cambridge-based Select Software Reviews added. He points to IBM as one of the companies that has long been at the forefront of the cloud and fairly quiet. However, the company has consistently invested and built services, making Watson a viable product for the business. Nowadays, IBM / Watson is the perfect solution for companies looking to expand the possibilities of data engineering.

Similarly, while many companies such as Microsoft and Amazon are focusing on expanding their cloud computing products, Google is looking to the future and building quantum computing services that already outperform its competitors. At present, Google will be the first viable quantum computing option that is in much higher demand than machine learning and AI solutions.

Azure seems to be trying to put everything together in one label, as business trends appear to be shifting to à la carte computing options. “Azure Synapse Analytics works only on the Azure architecture and can make it difficult for enterprises to adopt so many different cloud systems. As segment competition intensifies, limit people to themselves. More companies may choose these exclusive methods designed. Platform. ”

Final idea

In a recent blog, Nucleus Research CEO Ian Campbell is famous for Microsoft winning the recent $ 10 billion DOD Jedi cloud deal, and political pressure has re-emerged AWS. The deal seems to be split in two, but suggests that IBM may actually be worth considering before a decision is made. He believes DOD is only considering Microsoft and AWS. This is because Microsoft and AWS are the only way to meet all certification requirements, and it’s a ridiculous way to measure it. In this rapidly changing technology environment, what’s missing today will be available tomorrow and will be deprecated the next day. We recommend that you select a partner over the snapshot feature list. He said, especially if you have a five or ten year decision.

The road seems to be open to other candidates, but for the time being, this area is dominated by AWS, Microsoft, and, to a lesser extent, Google. It takes a considerable amount of time for others to land.




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