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Pokmon Shield: Gym Leaders, Ranked


Pokmon sword and shieldfollows a formula familiar to any longtime Pokmon trainer. The game begins in a quaint little town of the protagonist who is suddenly drawn into the adventure of becoming a coachand conquer the surrounding gymnasiums in the region.

The game brings the touch that the protagonist and his rival, Hop, face the leaders of the gymnasium to join the Gym Challenging of the Galar region and participate in the Champion Cup. The player will eventually face Hop's older brother and current Galar champion Leon.

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On the road to glory, the player faces eight gym leaders from different cities in the region. Each gym leader is different from the previous one and some even became popular with fans before the game was released. The two games have minor differences between the leaders, so based on design, personality and challenges, we classifyShieldsthe gym leaders.

8 Nessa

Players first meet Nessa while overlooking a port in Hulbury, where Nessa shows up before the possible face-off at Hulbury Stadium. While Nessa's gym wasn't the most difficult in the game, the character design immediately appealed to fans. Its range of Pokemon and aquatic type uniform is certainly highly appreciated by fans around the world, given the amount of fanart dedicated to it.

Plus, we can't help but love Nessa for her relaxed but confident demeanor and her obvious love for the beautiful coastal city of Hulbury. Not to mention, among all the leaders in the gymnasium, his initial admission to coaches proved to be fun and sometimes stimulating.

seven Opal

If you were expecting a battle or a simple mission arriving in the atmosphere of Ballonlea, you were probably surprised when you arrived at the gymnasium and the mission proved not to be a confusing challenge, but rather an audition to become the next fairy- type gym leader.

The range of Pokemon fairy-like Opal has proven to be one of the toughest battles with a huge range of rounds in Opal Sleeves, but despite the aggravation of trying to beat his Pokmon, we can't help but worship Opal for its theatrical nature. Spending time with Opal is a real riot, and luckily, the game allows us to have more time with it after the end of the battle by allowing the player to travel to Hammerlocke with it, where Opal finds his successor. in Bede.

6 Raihan

Raihan is the last gym leader the player has to fight before collecting all the gym badges, and for good reason. Although the battle of Raihan was arguably easier than the previous rulers, we still have to admire Raihan for his charismatic and energetic nature which easily complements his specialty in the Dragon typePokmon.

We also appreciate Raihan's technique of fighting with two Pokemon at the same time (which was also how his mission was set up), which raised the stakes of the last gym battle and made the game more interesting overall. Raihan's humility in losing the battle made him even more endearing, as did his long-standing friendship and rivalry with Leon.

5 Melony

Located in the winter and historic circus, Melony is the leader of the game's Ice type gymnasium, and easily one of the most difficult leaders to beat. Its initial mission is to cross a labyrinth of fragile ice, and the player must use watering rods to fight their way without falling into a hole (at one point, during a blizzard).

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Melony is known for being severe and has a complicated relationship with her son, who is the leader of the Circhester-style gymnasium inPokmon sword. Despite the challenges that Melony represents, we cannot help but love her for her dedication and sense of elegant style.

4 Allister

pokemon gym leader allister

As fans enter the Stow-On-Side stadium, it is increasingly evident that the gym belongs to a leader who prefers Ghost types, thanks to the nervous employee who prepares the player for Allister's mission and eventual battle. The mission of the gymnasium is easily one of the most difficult and dizzying in the game, as the player has to steer a cart towards the entrance of the gymnasium, avoiding many different obstacles.

Once the mission is over, the real battle begins when the player confronts Allister. Of all the leaders, Allister is easily the scariest because you never see his face For the duration of the game (with the exception of a rare league card), Allister wears a mask of white clay that disguises his true features. The mask itself is widely believed to have come from the corpse of a Galician Corsican, which only adds to the fear factor of Allister.

3 Milo

The player's first stop is Turffield to fight his gym manager, Milo. As the gym missions progress, on paper, the challenge at Turffield Stadium seems fairly easy: the player must gather a group of Wooloos in a stack of hay, but thanks to the Yampers who belong to the gym coaches, the mission quickly becomes more complicated and worsens then you would first think it would be.

Milo himself turns out to be one of the easiest leaders to beat, although his range of Grass type Pokmon is impressive, we remember and especially love Milo for his personality and appearance. He is, in every sense of the word, a gentle giant and all that concerns him from her strawberry pink hair to her freckles makes him love the player.

2 Kabu

Kabu is the third gym manager the player has to fight and specializes in the Fire type Pokemon. Although compared to the rest of this list, Kabu's personality and gym are rather underwhelming in terms of challenge and have nothing really memorable, aside from his energetic nature.

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Located in the Motostoke stadium, the challengers of Kabuhas capture WildPokmon to prove that they are worthy of fighting it, which helps to differentiate it from other gym leaders because its mission is not that difficult, but unfortunately, this mission becomes blurred with the battles that players can face in the wild.

1 Piers

The only gym manager who cannot dynamize his Pokmon, Piers is the last gym manager the player must fight before returning to Hammerlocke to defeat Raihan. Although he is also the leader of Spikemuth's dark type gymnasium, it is also revealed that he is the captain of Team Yell a group of gym coaches disguised as devotees of Marnie, another rival to the protagonist, who happens to be Piers' younger sister.

Despite the twist of the interesting plot turning Piers and Team Yell, and how Spikemuth was closed to the general public so that Marnie could win the challenge, Piers is ultimately the leader of the easiest and no-beat gymnasium has no memorable quality about it, making it the most disappointing leader in the game. He ultimately passes the title of gym leader to Marnie, who is easily the best coach.

NEXT: 10 Easter Eggs That Real Fans Captured In The Pokmon Sword And Shield

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