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A black Google employee said he was “escorted” from the campus by security because he “did not believe” he was working there, the report said.


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Black Google’s product manager said in a viral tweet last week that he was stopped by security and work.

The employee said, “Someone called me a guard because I didn’t believe I was an employee.”

A Google spokesman told Forbes that they “take the concerns very seriously” of the workers.

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A black Google employee said he was stopped by security at his job after someone reported him.

According to Forbes, the company’s associate product manager and recent graduate of Harvard University, Angel Onuoh, stopped him when the guards stopped and didn’t believe he was working for the company. bottom.

“I was biking around Google’s campus and called for security because someone didn’t think I was an employee,” Onuoha said in a viral tweet posted on September 20. .. “

Two days later, Onuoha tweeted that Security “was robbed me of my ID badge later that day and was told to call Security if something went wrong.”

“And that was after I hugged me for 30 minutes, so I couldn’t get on the bus and go home,” he added.

According to Onuoha’s LinkedIn profile, he works at Google’s Mountain View office in California.

Google and Angel didn’t immediately respond to insider requests for comment. However, a Google spokeswoman told Forbes that he “takes this employee’s concerns very seriously” and contacted him about the case.

A spokeswoman told Forbes, “The employee learned that there was a problem with the badge due to an administrative error and asked the reception team for help. After the problem could not be resolved, he asked the security team to investigate. Please help us solve the problem. “

The statement continues as follows: “In a broader sense, one recent step to reduce the occurrence of badges is to clarify that employees should leave the investigation of this type of access concern to the security team. Our goal is to make Google a comprehensive workplace for all employees and to increase their sense of belonging, “says Forbes.

The story continues

As insiders previously reported, black Google employees said they were dissatisfied with the company’s response to the protests during a nationwide protest of anti-racism last year. And in 2019, a former employee said in a memo that included three ways the company could improve its diversity and inclusiveness efforts, “I didn’t stop feeling the burden of being black on Google.” rice field.

According to a Gallup report released in 2020, one in four black workers has faced discrimination at work in the past year. Since the pandemic, many colored workers have stated that they prefer to work from home rather than dealing with direct microaggression in the office.

Read the original Insider article




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