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How to Do a Haunted Sector at Destiny 2 Lost Festival


The Haunted Sector is the flagship of Destiny 2’s 2021 Lost Festival. This fast-paced activity gives parents a shot at the Festival of Other Lost Weapons at the end of each round, and also provides a way to cleanse the spectrum pages into the forgotten book manifest page.

At the end of the activity, you can create a festival of 3 lost weapons with a random roll. Jurassic Greens, Horror Stories, and Braytech Werewolf can all be dropped into chests at the end of the Haunted Sector, but the game says that converting a spectrum page to a manifest page “significantly increases” the chances of a weapon dropping. increase.

If you’re looking for a weapon, or if you’re looking for a new activity in Destiny 2, we’ll show you how to run the Haunted Sector at the Festival of the Lost.

Summon a headless one

The activity starts in the familiar lost sector, but with a twist. Perdition (Europa), K1 Revelation (Moon), and The Rift (Nessus) are ready to celebrate Halloween with terrifying decorations and even more terrifying enemies. When you start, you’ll need to get rid of the Bex or Hive waves, depending on your settings, and you’ll be immediately prompted to summon a Headless One.

Similar to the Prison of Elders mines and Crucible control points, circles appear in the area above the countdown. After removing the plate, a boss called Headless One will spawn. Those bosses are sturdy, but some tuned fires do their short job.

After removing the first headless one, another summoning circle will appear. Players need to defeat as many bosses as possible within the timer (unlike Solstice’s adventure in EAZ). Each boss cleanses the page, so retrieving as much as possible is a surefire way to rush through the manifest page.

Final boss

When the timer expires, the player will encounter different bosses depending on the type of enemy. If you’re fighting Vex, expect Hydra. However, if you want to compete with Hive, you’ll see the Hive Wizard approaching. If you’re in Nessus, expect an unusually large Captain Eliksni.

Regardless of the boss, the player must hit the boss hard until his health drops to about two-thirds. At that time, the boss receives an invincible shield. However, you need more summons and headless stuff to disassemble it.

While your boss is invincible, you will see another summoning circle. Once again, the player needs to activate it and defeat Headless One. However, this time we will drop 3 pumpkin charges. This allows parents to throw it at the boss to disable the shield (think of it as a Corrupted boss room, but for some reason it’s not scary). Save the remaining pumpkin charge as it helps in the boss phase.

This part can be overwhelming. After the boss raises the invincible shield, some additions will flock to your position and you will also see more headless ones. If you’re unlucky, parents can focus and pin to keep the team short. Stick together during the summon (Well of Radiance is wondering in this section) and try to focus on the boss as soon as possible to perform another invincible phase.

After doing enough damage with the pumpkin charge, the shield disappears and the player can start taking chunks of the boss’s health. If you have one-third of your health left, another invincible phase will be activated, so throw the remaining pumpkin charge to the boss or summon another headless charge.

After permanently removing the boss, players will receive loot such as manifest pages, candies, and weapon shots.




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