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Apple is researching adding health and wellness features to AirPods


Photo: Adam Clark Estes

Apple doesn’t seem to be happy with AirPods being used for music and just answering the phone. There is a new report claiming that Apple is considering adding new health and wellness features to future wireless earphones.

Apple is currently studying the potential for AirPods to play a greater role in monitoring someone’s health and fitness, according to people familiar with the plans spoken to The Wall Street Journal. New features are expected to be available until next year (assuming these features pass the testing phase), but the three main features Apple is evaluating are someone’s temperature using AirPods. Is to check, monitor posture and act as a hearing aid. Or some kind of hearing aid.

The first two features are relatively simple. Apple can update its already built-in accelerometer to the current AirPods to more accurately track someone’s posture and body position, while using the new temperature sensor to compare someone’s core temperature inside. Easy to read. Their ears.

However, certifying AirPods as a suitable hearing aid is a more difficult task, as current US regulations require medically approved hearing aids to be sold by licensed hearing aid professionals. Will be. Year.

In addition, based on the current AirPods’ 5-hour battery life, it’s somewhat unlikely that future devices will provide the true all-day battery life that people with hearing loss would need from a dedicated hearing aid. This meant that Apple was forced to focus more on providing enhanced hearing capabilities instead.

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The idea of ​​expanding AirPods’ operations beyond music may not be straightforward, but the expansion of health and wellness capabilities tends to grow rapidly among audio device makers, including Bose for SoundConrol hearing aids and Amazfit. Has obtained FDA approval for the company. We have already created earphones that allow you to track your posture and increase your heart rate with Powerbuds Pro.

Even Apple’s rival Samsung is exploring similar ideas, and Samsung’s head audio engineer Han-gil Moon will leverage AI in the future for future wireless earphone sound detection and surroundings. I’m telling Gizmodo that I want to improve the ability to enhance the sound of.

More importantly, given the success of the Apple Watch, which is thriving mainly because it includes health and fitness tracking capabilities, Apple has extended these capabilities to more devices, including the iPhone. It’s clear that you’re trying. You can potentially detect certain patterns related to mental health and cognitive impairment.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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