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Call of Duty: Vanguard Zombies unveil a showcase of Der Anfang, the latest dark and mysterious zombie experience


Call of Duty: Vanguard Zombies today announced to fans that they saw for the first time the next mode, wrapped in occult and dark magic, as players fought in iconic World War II locations.

Black Ops Cold War is the first chapter in the Dark Aether Storyline, and Vanguard introduces a terrifying new chapter. Players dive into Der Anfang, a new zombie map set in the war-torn Sterlingrad, where heroes fight the waves of the undead and the new villain Oberfhrer Wolfram Von List. Liszt was in command of the Daiwa Height Battalion, which was instructed to find mysterious antiques to help the Nazi regime.

The phone list is associated with Kortifex the Deathless, one of the five dark ode entities that have been associated with humans through artifacts. The other four entities, Saraxis the Shadow, Norticus the Conqueror, Invikitor the Destroy, and Bellekar the Warlockare, revolt against Kortifex and assist special forces operatives. Each entity grants special privileges through artifacts and introduces new gameplay mechanics.

The operatives were led to Stalingrad by a distress signal sent by Professor Gabriel Craft, a demon scholar forced by Fonlist to reveal the artifacts of the aforementioned entity. Kortifex gave the phonelist the power to raise the dead to create an undead army to fight the Allies. It is up to the Vanguard operators and their unlikely Dark Aether companions to prevent the undead forces from destroying the world.

Der Anfang exposes players to a haunted landscape full of sacrifices, seances and other horrifying places that are the perfect background for fighting the undead. Players can also expect multiple zombie types in addition to the traditional growls. Heavy zombies wielding a new Minigun create unique threats that are difficult to eliminate, while other zombies rush towards the player and explode with impact.

Experienced zombie fans will find traditional elements of the mode such as pack punch machines, mystery boxes, craft tables and more. However, new items are also scattered around the map. Players can find runes. Runes are what Dark Aether entities use to unleash their power.

In all games, players start with a snow-covered graveyard. There you will find useful upgrades to help you in your next battle. However, roaming zombies are still a threat, so avoid being comfortable for long periods of time. Once you reach your goal, you’ll have more space to explore and other useful upgrades, such as a perk fountain. The Altar of the New Covenant also gives players the opportunity to exchange sacrificial minds with one of three random upgrades. These upgrades are random each time you return from your goal, adding exciting variables to each game.

Upgrades include options such as the ammo Gremlin, which allows you to quickly reload stored weapons from stock, and the Resurrectionist, who allows players to revive allies faster and automatically revive nearby allies.

At this starting point, players can navigate the portal to move to different locations in World War II. These locations include the war-torn farms of Marville, the rooftops of occupied Paris, and the iconic world map of the war, Shinonuma. Each location has one of three purposes: Blitz, Transmit, or Harvest. Blitz requires players to endure their reserves, but Harvest allows players to hunt zombies that drop runestones that must be placed in obelisks called thin eaters. Sending allows players to escort the heads of floating zombies and create exciting and unique experiences.

Der Anfang is just the tip of the iceberg of Vanguard Zombies. Players can expect more content throughout the game’s life cycle, introduce new story elements and gameplay changes, and come back for more. Zombies mode features cross-play and cross-generation support, allowing you to play with your friends on almost any console. Fans can also enjoy the unified Battle Pass and player progress shared in all Call of Duty modes.

Call of Duty: Vanguard will be released on November 5th.




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