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New Facebook whistleblowers say the company has deliberately allowed hate speech reports | Facebook


According to a new report, another Facebook whistleblower filed a motion against the company, alleging that it deliberately allowed hate speech and illegal activity on its platform.

An anonymous former Facebook employee told The Washington Post that he had filed a complaint with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which deals with regulations to protect investors in listed companies.

The new allegations are the same as those of whistleblower Frances Haugen, a former Facebook staff member, who states that the company repeatedly prioritizes profits over public security. Haugens recently caused a social network crisis that is said to be preparing plans for a brand change, with abominable testimony in the US Parliament and future testimony in the British Parliament.

The latest whistleblower reportedly worked on Facebook’s integrity team responsible for the platform’s content moderation policy.

The affidavit details how Facebook officials frequently refused to enforce safety rules for fear of offending Donald Trump and his allies and offsetting the company’s huge growth. Did.

In one alleged example, Facebook correspondent Tucker Bounds dismissed concerns about the role of the platform in the 2016 election campaign.

According to the affidavit reported by the post, it would be a hot pot flush, Bounds said. Some lawmakers will get tired of it. And within a few weeks they move on to something else. Meanwhile, we are printing money in the basement, and we are fine.

The details are consistent with what Haugen and colleagues share internally, emphasizing a comprehensive stance of prioritizing profits at all costs.

In a comment to the post, Bounds said: Four years ago, when asked about a one-on-one conversation with a blind person, there was no source other than the empty accusation itself.

Facebook spokeswoman Erin McPike also posted in a statement to the news agency, stating that she set a dangerous precedent for hanging the entire story from a single source that makes broad claims without explicit support. Criticized the report.

It’s under the Washington Post, and for the past five years she’ll only report articles after deep reporting with supporting sources, she told the Guardian in a statement.

However, the report is consistent with what others have shared about the company. Haugen said in his testimony that Facebook had at some point fine-tuned its algorithms to improve security and reduce inflammatory content, but abandoned post-election changes. Haugen was directly linked to the January 6 riots at the Capitol. Facebook also disbanded a team of civil integrity after the election.

As soon as the elections were over, they either turned them off or reverted their settings to prioritize growth over safety. And it really feels like a betrayal of democracy to me, she said in her testimony on October 5.

Regarding the algorithm changes, Haugen added: Facebook will spend less time on the site, click less ads, and change its algorithms more securely. [Facebook] You will make less money.

Haugens’ own SEC filing argued that Facebook’s leadership avoided reporting such issues in investor-available SEC filings. The SEC is tasked with scrutinizing whether public companies should disclose such information to investors.

The report faces congressional pressure on various fronts, including pending legislation from Congress, a lawsuit by the U.S. Justice Secretary, and a Federal Trade Commission lawsuit by new government agency chairman Lina Khan. It is submitted because it is.

Facebook’s Watchdog says the latest whistleblower accounts for fraud emphasize the need to regulate the platform.

Jessica J Gonzlez, co-CEO of civil rights group FreePress Action, said it was time for Congress and the Biden administration to investigate Facebook business models that would benefit from spreading the most extreme hatred and disinformation. It’s time for immediate action to hold the company accountable for the many harms it has done to our democracy.




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