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Refer a Friend Fortnite Guide: How to Refer a Friend


Fortnite’s new refer-a-friend feature (which is said to be 5x faster) has been launched. In other words, you can get new rewards by persuading your friends to open Fortnite for the first time, or at least for the first time in a while.

Of course, Fortnite, a battle royale, is almost always a better experience with friends. Therefore, if you want to form a team, you can also get some visual rewards for trouble. You can also get new “Rainbow Racer” skins by completing tasks with your friends.

The only catch? You need to introduce your friends and complete the tasks together by a certain date so you don’t miss any rewards.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to introduce your friends on Fortnite and how to get their cosmetic rewards.

(Image credit: Epic Games) Introduce your friends: Sign up for the official website

The first step is to visit the Epic Refer-a-Friend web page and sign up using your Epic account. Scroll down a bit and you’ll see a pink button called “Sign Up”.

(Image credit: Epic Games)

The next step is to actually introduce and register your friends. This only works with Epic accounts that include new players who have been recorded in Fortnite Battle Royale solos, duos, trios, or squads for less than 120 minutes in the last 30 days.

When you log in, you will see a new page listing your progress. Scroll down until you see the “Add friend” button under “Friends list”.

Another box pops up where you can search for a friend’s username or select a previously connected friend.

(Image credit: Epic Games)

You will be notified that your friend has been added as a referee (although not the kind that loves the rules).

Introduce Fortnite Friends: Tasks to Complete

These are the tasks you need to complete to earn rewards through the Refer-a-Friend feature.

Introduce 1-5 Friends-Reward: Rainbow Racer Loading Screen. Play one game with the referee (duo, trio, or team, other modes or LTMs are not counted)-Reward: Rainbow Racer Wrap. Place the top 10 three times with the referee. -Reward: Rainbow Racer Glider. Eliminate 10 opponents with the referee-Reward: Rainbow Racer pickaxe You and your referee must earn 60 account levels from the time you start the Referee Program-Reward: Rainbow Racer Skin. (This can be achieved more easily by coordinating group quests and sharing XP)

(Image Credit: Epic Games) Introduce Fortnite Friends: Dates to Remember

You must register your friends with Fortnite between 11:59 pm EST on November 14, 2021 and October 25, 2021.

After that, all tasks must be completed by January 10th. Thankfully, it’s enough time to reach the 60 levels you need to go to get a Rainbow Racer.

See other Fortnite guides for news on Challenge Walkthroughs and the latest skins.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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