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Why future M2 chips won’t hinder your Mac purchase

Why future M2 chips won’t hinder your Mac purchase


Even before Apple’s M1 Pro and M1 Max MacBook hit the market, the roar of future Apple silicon was already ringing. Called the M2, this chip could replace the M1 that powers the MacBook Air, 13-inch MacBook Pro, Mac mini, and 24-inch iMac. It is reportedly expected to arrive in the first half of 2022.

And look at the calendar — 2022 is just around the corner. So if you are wondering if you need to wait for M2 instead of investing in M1 MacBook Air or M1 Pro MacBook Pro, we can help.

M1, M1 Pro, and M1 Max

Apple’s first three Mac chips are all built on the same architecture, but they’re completely different.

M1M1 ProM1 Max CPU core (performance) 46/88 CPU core (efficiency) 422 GPU core 7/81624 / 32NPU core 161616 Memory 8GB / 16GB 16GB / 32GB 32GB / 64GB

As you can see, the tips are quite different. Although they are all built on the same 5nm die process, the M1 Pro is much more powerful, especially when using apps that utilize multiple cores. The M1 is a very good chip, but the M1 Pro is a great chip with incredible speed and great upgrade options. As you can see in the CPU benchmarks below, the additional cores are very helpful. That was before considering graphics and RAM. Apple has provided the best tip for professionals, but it may be too fast for casual users.

M2: Specs and speed

According to some reports, the M2 will debut on the next MacBook Air. Although faster than the M1, Bloomberg reports that it has the same number of CPU cores and up to 10 graphics cores as the M1. This makes M2 closer to M1 than M1 Pro.

M2’s debut on Apple’s thinnest and lightest laptop tells a lot about chips. Like the current MacBook Air, the report reports that the 2022 MacBook Air doesn’t have a cooling fan, which could limit the performance of the M2 in order to maintain proper operating temperatures. If the A15 is any sign, the M2 chip can provide about 10% better single-core performance and 20% better multi-core CPU performance than the M1. On the GPU side, it was 40-50% faster than the iPhone 12’s A14 chip compared to the high-end iPhone 13 Pro, and about 25% faster on the iPhone 13’s 4-core GPU.

The 2022 MacBook Air can look very different from the current Air (pictured) and may have an M2 chip.

Jason Cross / IDG

Compared to M1, the CPU performance improvement of M2 is about 15%, which is a significant improvement in GPU performance. The M1 Pro has 8 or 10 CPU cores (2 efficiency cores, the rest are performance cores) and boasts multi-core CPU performance that is about 70% better than the M1. Overall much slower than the M1 Pro.

M2 and M1 Pro: No comparison

The M1 Pro is built for multi-core processing and GPU-enabled software. If you’re a professional with CPU-intensive apps, invest in your M1 Pro MacBook Pro now. Based on what we know about the M2, it offers a decent improvement over the M1 and is a bit closer to the M1 Pro, but not comparable.

However, for common tasks, the M2 can be faster than Apple’s flagship processor. The single core performance of the M1 Pro is basically the same as the M1 (expected because the M1 Pro is based on the M1). As the M2 follows the A15 path, the single core speeds up a bit. Than all M1 chips, including Pro and Max.

The 14-inch MacBook Pro has a great screen, but without the M1 chip there’s nothing.


If the idea that the M2’s single-core performance could be better than the M1 Pro is intriguing, then the M1 Pro, and perhaps the Pro chips after that, are overkill for what you’re doing in the first place. is. Single-core performance is important for common apps such as email and photos, so speeding up may be more valuable than M1Pro’s multi-core performance. However, the M1 is already perfect for such things, so unless you’re interested in the rumored redesign of the MacBook Air, I recommend one of them. At that point the tip isn’t really important.

There is also a question for the 13-inch MacBook Pro: Will Apple decide to keep it? If so, does it get the M2? The current model has the same chip as the MacBook Air, but the fans keep things a little cooler, so they can run faster and longer. In our tests, the 13-inch M1 MacBook Pro was slightly faster than the M1 MacBook Air, but the MacBook Pro can maintain a longer speed than the Air, and you can expect similar results with the M2. Still, it’s not enough incentive to wait for M2 instead of buying M1 Pro.

M2 Pro: Future

Rumor has it that Apple hasn’t run out of M1 Pro and M1 Max. It’s far from that. The new chip could be installed in at least two Macs, the 27-inch iMac and the high-end Mac mini in 2022.

So what about M2 Pro? It will certainly come after M2, but it may be for some time. The M1 Pro has just debuted, and there are rumors that the new M2 MacBook Air will not be available until mid-2022, about 18 months after the M1 was released. If the Pro chips are in a similar cycle, the M2 Pro will not be available until late 2022 or early 2023. However, I’ve heard that it has two dies and has twice as many cores as the M1 Pro and M1 Max. .. But that’s a few years away. For now, the M1, M1 Pro, and M1 Max are fast enough no matter what you need to do on your Mac.

The Romans have covered technology since the early 1990s. His career began with MacUser and has worked for MacAddict, Mac | Life and TechTV.




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