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Destiny 2 gets a cooldown rework of major abilities in December this year


The Bungies 30th Anniversary event, with lots of new content, is approaching Destiny 2 with a release date of December 7th. In addition to paid content, players also get a major balance pack, so sandbox leader Kevin Yanez said he’s pretty confident that future updates will be the biggest balance patch ever. ..

Bungie details the major weapon changes in his November 11th blog, but the November 18th post is entirely focused on abilities. The highlights are:

The biggest change here is the cooldown of abilities as it affects all classes and abilities in the game. Instead of setting universal cooldowns for all supers, grenades, and melee abilities, bungee now adjusts them individually. This means that Bungie can cool down an ability directly based on the power of that ability.

The example that Bungee uses in his blog post is the Hunter Flux grenade that sticks to the target. The current cooldown is 82 seconds, and if the player using it is accurate, it will do decent damage to enemy guardians or targets. After December 7, Flux Grenade takes 182 seconds to cool down after use, but fires faster, sticks to all surfaces, deals bonus damage to PvE enemies, and is an enemy guardian with a single hit. Kill

Supers also benefit from and suffer from Destiny 2 cooldown changes. Depending on its potency, some supermarkets will recharge naturally faster than others. However, during combat, especially when using major weapons, players will get bonus super energy. Intelligence statistics that manage super passive cooldown times are no longer useful as bungee wants players to participate in combat to gain the most powerful abilities.

Bungie has also made major changes to some class-specific issues. Big ticket balance items are the main PvP nerfs for one-hit kill abilities such as PvE buffs to the Titans Behemoth subclass, improved Warlock melee attacks, Titans shoulder charges, Hunter Shutter Dive, and Warlock Handheld Super Nova.

Most of these changes are specifically targeted in PvP mode, and most features are more powerful and useful in PvE. This is a real impetus from Bungie to balance PvE and PvP modes in a different way than the studio always wanted.

The general idea behind these changes is that abilities should be as useful or better in PvE, but PvP games are primarily focused on shootouts with short, powerful moments that bungee calls space magic. It means that you should guess.

The rest of the Bungies blog post is full of individual notes that affect your unique abilities and classes. And even in those thousands of words, Bungie still stores many details of the patch notes themselves. It will debut with the 30th Anniversary event on December 7th.

If you want to see all the previewed changes, we recommend checking out the blog on the Bungies website and skipping to your favorite classes section.




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