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Google Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro have a new private computing core.This is what we know


Android 12 has many new features, the most mysterious of which is the addition of a private computing core. It’s essentially a place where sensitive data can be processed on the device, away from where everything else is happening. We’ve enhanced Google Pixel 6-specific features such as Now Playing, Live Caption, and Smart Reply, but there isn’t much information about how they work. And Google wasn’t very positive about the information either.

Google says it will open source the code for its private computing services so that independent security researchers can audit it. However, there is no timeline as to when the code will be published. Private Compute Services is said to be able to provide a privacy-preserving bridge between Private Compute Core and the cloud, providing new AI models and other updates to sandboxed machine learning capabilities via secure paths. I am. According to Google, communication between features and private computing services is via a set of purposeful open source APIs that remove identification information from data and apply privacy technologies such as federated learning, federated analysis, and private information retrieval. It is done.

No one really knows what a private computing core is

But what exactly is the privacy computing core? Our most knowledgeable guess is that we will use or will use an Android VM called “microdroid”. Microdroid is a simplified version of the popular Android system image (GSI). GSI is already a minimal build of open source Android, but microdroid seems to be even reduced. The goal of this project is not to provide a complete secondary desktop environment, but to be able to run the smallest version of Android on the hypervisor so that individual Android apps can be virtualized.

To manage these virtual machines, Google has adapted Chrome OS VMM (crosvm), which is used to run Linux apps on Chrome OS, to Android. It depends on the Generic Kernel Image released on Android 12. Android 12 has a development preview by Mishaal Rahman, and Android 13 will include the first protected kernel-based virtual machine (pKVM) hypervisor release. pKVM is designed to ensure data confidentiality in virtual machines even when the OS is at risk.

The figure above is from Google on I / O, and Android System Intelligence seems to be running inside Android Private Compute Core. It looks like a virtual machine with reduced overhead. In essence, it’s a sandbox of features that can handle sensitive information. The smart reply clearly scans the message and the live caption listens for everything that is playing. Now Playing also listens to the surrounding audio.

For example, when entering a conversation, Google explains that Gboard requires SmartReply to make suggestions based on the conversation on the screen. Next, Smart Reply handles conversations securely and confidentially on a private computing core. Sensitive data is not shared with apps, keyboards, or Google. All Gboards you get as a response are a list of suggested responses.

Everything processed within Compute Core can only access the network through interaction with Private Compute Services. Private Compute Services removes identification information and uses privacy technologies such as Federated Learning, Federated Analytics, and Private Information Retrieval. This abstracts the permission of internet connection from sensitive features and works only through a very narrow and purposeful API to download models, use federated learning, etc. Google hasn’t released any further information about this, and hasn’t made anything related to it open source yet.

But, as Google explained, is Private Compute Core active on Android smartphones? No one can really say. My intuition is that the existing development preview is for a very specific feature that Google wanted to use, as it is also advertised as active on the official Android 12 website, and more. It’s not a thing. This also makes sense because it hasn’t been open sourced yet, as it may only work with Google’s own set of features. This is further supported by the fact that NowPlaying is done through ComputeCore and can bypass the microphone indicator. What we really don’t know is whether Private Compute Core exists as a virtual machine in its current state.

Data stored and processed in this sandbox will not be published to other apps unless the user intends to do so. For example, smart reply suggestions remain hidden from the keyboard and the app you’re typing until you tap them. Private Compute Services not only bridges the gap between Private Compute Core and smartphones, but also keeps these features up to date with new AI-based models and changes.

Is Private Compute Core exclusive to Pixel?

This is where things get really complicated.

Private Compute Core has never been explicitly sold as a Pixel-only feature. It’s on the official Android website, microdroid is part of AOSP, and Google’s talk around Android 12 mentions this in the context of Android 12, not in the context of Pixel. Therefore, Private Compute Core is an Android feature and may not be exclusive to Pixel. This can be gated behind a time-limited monopoly like money.

That said, the monet itself is technically exclusive to the Pixel in today’s iterations, and the same is true for that. The only difference is that Google said that in a future release of Android, monet will be pushed to AOSP. Given that Google also likes to talk about private computing cores in the context of Google’s unique features like Now Playing and Live Caption, it’s quite possible that this is what Google is trying to maintain itself. I have.

As far as I know, these all seem to be some sort of beta that Google is testing. You won’t know if it’s actually active on your Pixel 6 device unless you’re actually looking for it. Still, it is not possible to reliably determine how it is currently being used. After all, Google says it will be open source, but not yet. There is always the possibility that OEMs will be inspired to implement their own version. Especially if you are processing sensitive private data on a device that needs to be sent to the cloud.

Private computing core has great potential

To be honest, I don’t know how useful this is, but it’s certainly possible. We want to make information more accessible to Google in relation to the Private Computing Core and how it protects the privacy of our users. Only that helps determine how mature and useful the technology really is. The idea behind it is good and helps protect smartphone users, especially those who may use the device in the enterprise but are hampered by more “invasive” features such as Now Playing and Smart Reply. It can be an asset. For more information, we look forward to the source code that Google will release in the future.




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