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Hackers exploit bugs in Microsoft MSHTML to steal Google, Instagram credits


Newly discovered Iranian threat actors are using a new PowerShell-based stealer called PowerShortShell by SafeBreach Labs security researchers to steal Google and Instagram credentials from Persian-speaking targets around the world. increase.

Information stealers are also used to monitor Telegram and collect system information from compromised devices that are sent to attacker-controlled servers along with stolen credentials.

As discovered by SafeBreach Labs, the attack (published on Twitter by the Shadow Chaser Group in September) was launched as a spear phishing email in July.

These target Windows users with malicious Winword attachments that exploit the Microsoft MSHTML Remote Code Execution (RCE) bug tracked as CVE-2021-40444.

The PowerShortShell stealer payload is executed by the DLL downloaded to the compromised system. When launched, the PowerShell script starts collecting data and screen snapshots and steals them to the attacker’s command and control server.

“Almost half of the victims live in the United States. Based on the content of Microsoft Word documents blaming the Iranian leader of the’Corona Massacre’and the nature of the data collected, the victims are Iranians living abroad. I guess there is a possibility. It could be seen as a threat to Iran’s Islamic government. “

“The usage of Telegram surveillance is typical of Iran’s threat actors such as Infy, Ferocious Kitten, and Rampant Kitten, so the enemy may be tied to Iran’s Islamic government.”

Victim Heat Map (SafeBreach Labs)

The CVE-2021-40444RCE bug affecting IE’s MSTHML rendering engine began on August 18th, more than two weeks before Microsoft issued a security advisory with a partial workaround, and three weeks before the patch. It was abused as a zero-day attack. Released.

More recently, it has been exploited in combination with malicious ads by the Magneti ransomware gang to infect targets with malware and encrypt devices.

Microsoft also said several threat actors, including ransomware affiliates, targeted this Windows MS HTMLRCE bug using maliciously crafted Office documents delivered via phishing attacks. ..

These attacks exploited a flaw in CVE-2021-40444 “as part of the first access campaign that distributed a custom Cobalt Strike Beacon loader.”

The deployed Beacon communicated with malicious infrastructure associated with several cybercrime campaigns, including but not limited to human-operated ransomware.

CVE-2021-40444 Attack Chain (Microsoft)

Not surprisingly, more and more attackers are using the CVE-2021-40444 exploit since attackers began sharing tutorials and proof-of-concept exploits on hacking forums even before the bugs were patched. is.

This could allow other threat actors and groups to begin exploiting security flaws in their attacks.

Information shared online can be easily tracked and anyone can easily create their own working version of the CVE-2021-40444 exploit, including a Python server that can distribute malicious documents and CAB files to compromised systems. ..

Using this information, Bleeping Computer was also able to successfully reproduce the exploit in about 15 minutes, as shown in this video demo.




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