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Technological vulnerabilities fall in 2019, Android remains the most sensitive


Vulnerabilities in the tech industry dropped dramatically during 2019 and Android remains the most vulnerable operating system. This is based on research collected by TheBestVPN and reported by Pocketnow. For Google's mobile operating system, the number decreased by 199 vulnerabilities in 2019. This is compared to a decrease of 240 vulnerabilities from 2017 to 2018.

These figures, taken from the CVE Details security database, show a peak of 843 total vulnerabilities for Android in 2017. Prior to that, the number had increased dramatically from 2015, but had remained essentially flat over the years previous.

The National Vulnerability Database from the National Standards and Technology Institute cited shows that Android is currently the most vulnerable technology product. But this institute and the CVE Details chart show a marked decline in these vulnerabilities and the tech industry as a whole.

What vulnerabilities continue to plague Android?

The graphs compiled by the CVE Details security database note that Android no longer suffers from two vulnerabilities. Namely, these are XSS and SQL Injection vulnerabilities. In addition, the remaining vulnerabilities are, as noted above, declining. Android is still hanging here as the most vulnerable. And it is not without reason.

In 2019, one of the most commonly reported issues on Android regarding apps that have access to permissions to perform secondary malicious activity. For example, this can be used to bypass security or access information. However, according to CVE Details, the number of "earn privileges" vulnerabilities in Android is reported to be one. The vulnerabilities that allowed access to information or "bypassing something" were 16 and 30 respectively.

The biggest issues for Android, however, have come in the form of unwanted code execution and overflow vulnerabilities. The numbers reported for each were 89 and 34 vulnerabilities for these categories. A total of 35 denial of service vulnerabilities were found.

According to recent reports outside of research, another study recently showed that up to a billion Android devices on the market are still susceptible to even more vulnerabilities in 2019.

These are handsets that are still in use and no longer receive updates. Android devices, through Google policies, receive two years of operating system updates and three years of security fixes. This includes fixes that fix vulnerabilities.

In particular, this study indicates devices running Android 6.0 Marshmallow or earlier variants of the operating system. Some newer devices, particularly non-flagship ones, don't exactly follow Google’s policy. This has led to a flashback, with lawyers and studies calling on the research giant to make these rules mandatory. But, in the meantime, the trend is definitely down.

The trend is definitely down, for now

For the entire technology industry, the trend in vulnerabilities is also downward. In 2016, the total number of vulnerabilities tipped the scales at only 6,447. By 2018, that number had increased to 16,556. This is compared to a severe recession in 2019, dropping the total number of vulnerabilities to 12,174.

Android has been the most vulnerable operating system for three of the past five years, possibly due to its open source nature. For 2018, "Debian GNU / Linux" is rated as the most vulnerable with 1197 vulnerabilities. Android took first place in 2019 but also in 2017 and 2016. For 2015, Mac OS X was the most vulnerable.

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