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Google confuses Glupteba botnet and filed proceedings against two Russians

Google confuses Glupteba botnet and filed proceedings against two Russians


Google today announced that it has deleted its account and removed the servers and domains operated by the Glupteba malware botnet. Google expects the glupteba botnet interruption to be temporary. The company also sued Dmitry Starovikov and Alexander Filippov for creating and operating a botnet.

Google today announced that it has suspended the operation of the Glaupteba botnet and has filed proceedings against two Russian citizens who are believed to have contributed to the creation and execution of malware over the past few years.

According to the company, about 63 million Google Docs files used by the Glupteba gang to distribute malware to unprotected victims, and 1,183 Google accounts used by the gang to create and host some, 908. The cloud project, 870, has deleted its Google Advertising account. Botnet.

In addition, Google has been working with several internet infrastructure companies and web hosting providers such as Cloudflare for the past few days to shut down servers used by gangs to control botnets on infected computers. Said.

Google says the turmoil is likely to be temporary

Despite its massive turmoil attempts, Google has made its efforts forever with the Glupteba botnet, as the malware is designed with a backup command and control (C & C) system that runs on the Bitcoin blockchain. He said it wouldn’t hurt.

This backup C & C system allows the Glupteba gang to maintain control of all infected systems despite the loss of access to today’s primary command server.

However, Google said that action “has a significant impact on the ability of actors to perform future operations.” This could cause botnets to lose momentum in the coming months and mitigate the overall threat to Internet users.

Serious cybercrime is not an easy problem to solve, but we strongly believe that technical analysis, collaborative turmoil, and pressure from legal action can make a difference and keep users safe.

I’m proud of this job and the expansion of TAG to combat serious cybercrime.

— Shane Huntley (@ShaneHuntley) December 7, 2021 What is Grupteva?

As for what Glupteba is and what it does, in reality, this botnet is under the supervision of most cybersecurity companies and professionals.

First documented in a 2011 report from antivirus maker ESET, Glupteba is one of the oldest malware botnets today.

It only targets Windows systems and relies on cracked or pirated software and Pay-Per-Install (PPI) schemes to infect users. Once you have a foothold on the infected device, the Glupteba malware downloads various modules that can perform special tasks.

“Glupteba is known for stealing user credentials and cookies, mining cryptocurrencies on infected hosts, and deploying and operating proxy components for Windows systems and IoT devices.”

Shane Huntley and Luca Nagy, Threat Analyst, Google Threat Analysis Group

One of its most notorious modules is a module that can spread from a Windows computer to a MikroTik router on your internal network. This particular module is believed to have been used earlier this year to assemble the Meris botnet, which was used in the summer to carry out some of the largest DDoS attacks ever recorded.

Google sues two Russians

However, in addition to attempts to destroy the botnet’s active infrastructure, Google today announced that it has identified two Russian citizens linked to some domains and accounts.

In court documents [PDF], Google has named Dmitry Starovikov and Alexander Filippov as two authors of Glupteba.

According to Google, the two ran several online websites promoting the features of botnets. Such websites are those that sell access to compromised Google and Facebook advertising accounts. According to Google, the group obtains credentials for these accounts via botnets, later sells access to other attackers, uses accounts from other criminal schemes, and becomes the actual account owner. I posted an ad at the expense of it.

Image: Google

However, according to Google, this is just part of Glupteba’s large “criminal enterprise”,, a website that rents access to proxy networks hosted on Glupteba-infected computers. (Later renamed to and operations were also included.

Image: Record

Google is currently paying monetary damages, an injunction banning two suspects from interacting with Google services, and several laws, including the Racketeer Impacted and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) and Computer Fraud, which have two Grupteba members. I am seeking a ruling that I have violated. And the Abuse Act, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, the Lanham Act, the tort of business relations, and the acquisition of unjust enrichment.

We hope that Google’s civil proceedings will eventually lead to criminal proceedings, leading to official charges against the two.

Google’s proceedings also occur the day after Microsoft has taken similar legal action to seize 42 domains used in China’s state-sponsored hackersin attack on government agencies and think tanks in 29 countries.

Google and Microsoft, along with Facebook, are now part of three US tech companies that are actively suing and using courts to thwart malware operations. Microsoft has filed 24 proceedings so far, and Facebook is not far behind.

Catalin Cimpanu is The Record’s cybersecurity reporter. He previously worked for ZDNet and Bleeping Computer. It has become famous in the industry for its constant investigation into new vulnerabilities, cyberattacks, and law enforcement measures against hackers.




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