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EGR NA talks to Allan Petrilli of analytics services company Intelitics and James King of innovation platform Flows about their recent partnerships and their implications for future opportunities and growth.

EGR North America (EGR NA): Intelitics is a performance and marketing provider. Tell us more about your business and your team.

Allan Petrilli (AP): Intelitics was developed to provide the igaming industry with a centralized platform that allows operators to track, analyze, and expand all user acquisition channels. This includes affiliates and paid media. While this channel offers great potential for user acquisition, it has not been fully utilized by operators until now due to the lack of a state-of-the-art platform for initiating and managing activities.

In addition, Intelitics provides access to actionable real-time data to help operators and their marketers increase their return on investment (ROI) from user acquisition costs.

EGR NA: North America is a big focus of Intelitics. Why is that so, and where else is the focus?

AP: The North American market is one of our main focal points as it has great potential in terms of opportunities and growth. There is no other market like this in the world. We are confident that our platform and services are ideal for businesses targeting the United States and Canada.

As operators demand sustainable growth, they need a platform that can help them properly grow and optimize their spending, which is where we fit perfectly. That said, we have a global footprint and we are geo-agnostic when it comes to the impact of our technology on helping operators grow.

EGR NA: We recently partnered with the innovation platform Flows. What does this bring to the Intelitics table?

AP: For many brands, the challenge with implementing new technologies and the potential for agile decision-making is the inability to access information in a fast, consumable and practical way.

The partnership with Flows allows clients to seamlessly integrate into the platform. This means less lift on the client side and allows clients to use our technology more quickly. We also knew that operators were busy and needed a way to make it easier for them to adopt our technology. Flows is the perfect partner for this.

Our company has very similar ideas about the direction the industry should take from a data perspective, and it’s refreshing to partner with a company that shares our vision.

EGR NA: What does this partnership mean for Flow? How does the Intelitics platform differ from its competitors and what does it offer its customers?

James King (JK): This means we can provide our customers, especially those in North America, with the ability to coordinate access to one of the leading marketing technology data platforms.

This really highlights the two main deliverables of the flow. The first is selection. A fast, agnostic integration process (which allows you to ingest data from any source) allows customers to easily collaborate and access the third parties of their choice, making Intelitics available.

Then customize the way customers interact and use the data passed between you and third parties to build, for example, new features, mini-applications, or additional workflows.

This is the same for Intelitics. With Flows, you can build new features and custom applications that you want to deliver to your customers, or tailor them to your individual customers. No need to do heavy builds or long sprints. Flow frees both suppliers and customers and is free to innovate at speed.

EGR NA: Did you notice any trends or differences between marketers in the North American market?

JK: Alain is in a better position than me, so I’ll elaborate on this, but broadly speaking, it’s very common to see marketers taking a more detailed approach to their customers and potential customers. Was there. That’s why we’ve seen this rise in the intelligent use of data, and from our point of view, how Flows further supports and encourages it.

AP: As you know, the North American market is a gold rush to win users. Most operators spend astronomical amounts on branding and user acquisition, with less emphasis on sustainability and profitability than international operators.

As the state opens, it is imperative to take advantage of the innovators and secure a large market share in the early stages. That’s why we’re seeing big brands outnumber middle-class operators, especially when it comes to off-line marketing campaigns.

However, most of these operators have basic reporting and tracking platforms and still do a lot of manual work compared to international operators who are adopting automation and AI.

This will definitely change. This is because we have already discussed with operators the pressure of more responsible spending down road data, and automation is the key to achieving this. This is an advantage for companies such as Intelitics and Flows as it has platforms and technologies to help operators achieve this.

EGR NA: What can both Flows and Intelitics customers expect in the future in terms of how they innovate and grow?

AP: Our goal is to be a one-stop shop for tracking, reporting and optimizing operators and traffic sources. We are currently building additional business intelligence tools to help brands optimize their campaigns in real time, such as key performance indicator (KPI) decision making and lifetime value forecasting built directly into the platform.

JK: We continue to develop an archive of pre-built flows, from player safety flows to flows where tournaments can be built on the fly. This means that customers can quickly activate a flow and easily repeat the provided flow before starting to create their own flow.

We are also building an app store that allows customers to interact with a number of third-party APIs within the flow, from weather forecasting apps to more mainstream apps like Slack.

EGR NA: What’s next for 2022 flow and intelligence?

JK: After launching at the end of October 2021, we have focused on two areas that are in the best position to grow in 2022. This includes demonstrating the flow to as many people as possible (that is, populating the pipeline) and updating the user interface. That’s it.

This has expanded our customer base over the next 12 months and laid the foundation for announcing new customers from this month onwards. It was a really growing year for us and we were really excited to attend the event, showcase the flow and support as many people as possible with our products.

AP: If 2021 was the year Intelitics established within the industry, 2022 is expected to see a significant increase in new clients, including a small number of Tier 1 gambling brands affiliated with us. We have spent most of our five years building technology and building foundations. As such, we are confident that this year will be a game changer for our business and our partners.

Allan Petrilli is Deputy Sales and Growth Officer of Intelitics, a marketing technology and analytics services company that leverages an innovative igaming-focused marketing technology stack to provide data-driven user acquisition across online and mobile channels. I’m the president. Petrilli has been in the industry since 2011, offering customized and proven user acquisition strategies across all gaming disciplines.

James King is the CEO of Flows, an integrated platform that enables organizations to connect, innovate, and drive digital automation without code. King has more than 10 years of experience in the field of igaming and co-founded Flows after previously serving as sales manager for Gaming Innovation Group, a major technology and media powerhouse. The flow started in October 2021.




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