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Yellowjacket Slash Cardinals, 17-5 – Georgia Institute of Technology Yellowjacket

Yellowjacket Slash Cardinals, 17-5 – Georgia Institute of Technology Yellowjacket


Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (17-9, 1-7 ACC) in Louisville, Kentucky passed Louisville (17-9, 1-1 ACC) at Ulmer Stadium on Saturday, all 17 times in the last three. It exploded. inning.

As a result of the delayed explosion, Techs had the largest winning margin, with most runs scoring in one match since the 2019 season. At the forefront of the formidable attack were freshman center-fielder Ella Edgemon and junior catcher Emma Kauf, both dishing 3-4 and scoring 3 runs. While Kauf picked up the RBI himself, Edgemon did her damage from the 9th hole when he cranked her first career home run on a 3-run shot.

In one of the series, the mirroring game, both pitchers controlled the game from the circle early on, resulting in four unscored innings. The jacket was the first hit at the top of the fifth and won three runs using a two-out rally. After starting the rally with a double, Kauf was sent home by first baseman Tricia Awald as a single from the left side. Following the walk, freshman second baseman Grace Connelly intervened, defeating the RBI double from the left-wing wall and advancing Tech 2-0. Then I walked back-to-back, loaded the base, and forced the third run of the jacket back home.

Louisville turned back in the bottom of the fifth inning and scored a pair with a pitcher single in the outfield.

Tech continued to roll at the top of the top of the 6th inning, and in another 6 runs he jumped into a comfortable lead. Kauf sent his first yellow jacket to the center fielder with an RBI single, and junior designated player Caroline Davis led White and Gold 5-2 on a sacrifice fly. Connelly then returned to the plate, scoring two more singles, followed by a series of RBI singles from right fielder Kennedy Cowden and sophomore shortstop Jinsileo’s bat, speeding up the jacket to 9-2. Did. advantage.

The Cardinals cut into Tex’s lead again in the bottom of the sixth inning, knocking on the RBI triple, and at the end of the inning, Tec took the 9-5 lead, followed by a two-run home run.

At the top of the final frame, Georgia Institute of Technology erupted in eight more runs. Edgemon led the inning with a double, sophomore third baseman Mallory Black continued the single, and Kauf was able to push Edgemon home. Davis then took the lead in the 11-5 jacket in Black, while Cowden won the two-run single. Another single and a subsequent walk, Edgemon blew up her first career home run with a three-run shot, ensuring that a 17-5 lead tech held the bottom half for a 12-run victory.

Game notes

Tech won the second road win in the series’ history. The 12-run win marked the largest jacket win margin in the series’ history. The Techs 17 run scored the most since the jacket raised 18 runs in 2019. He won the pit on April 13 with 6 innings and a cold rule of 18-9. In 5 innings, Tech beat Ferman 14-2 in the cold rule, so the last 12 runs of the yellow jacket won in 2019. It took place on March 20th. 14 Hit White and Gold Day was the second most frequent day of the season. The jacket beat Southern Illinois 6-1 on February 19th, scoring the best 15 hits of the season. With five strikeouts, Neleman surpassed 300 strikeouts. She owns a total of 116 this season and 304 throughout her career. Neleman surrendered two runs in the 42/3 innings, scoring her 11th win of the season. -For-4, double, 3 RBI, 3 run scoring. Kauf also had a great day on a 3-4 plate with the team’s 10th double-double, double-double, 2 RBI, 3 in the season. RBI.


A rubber match between the Yellow Jacket and the Cardinals will take place at Noon on Sunday at Ulmer Stadium. The game will be broadcast live on ACC Network Extra.


: Louisville: 4:00 pm: Louisville, Kentucky: Ulmer Stadium: ACC Network: https: // /// # 404Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022


Pay attention to the ACC network: https: // /// # 404Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

Bray blows one by one by the first Cardinal of the day for her 300th career punchout

Oh, and she set her single season career to the highest

: Https: // /// # 404 Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

# SCTop10 Not a freshman doing a diving catch

Show our girl some love to @ella_edgmon @RawlingsSBx @NFCAorg x @NCAASoftball x # SCTop10

: Https: // /// # 404 Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

.. .. ..

Don’t disappoint if you send to @auburn_dupree and @ella_edgmon in the outfields competing for today’s dive catch @ RawlingsSB x @NFCAorg x @NCAASoftball x # SCTop10

: Https: // /// # 404 Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

@EmmaKauf season

: Https: // /// # 404 Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

-Combine @ EmmaKauf and @ TriciaAwald22 and place them on the board when Tricia finds a hole

: Https: // /// # 404 Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

Freshman >>>

Now it ’s @ grace_connelly3 with double RBI.

: Https: // /// # 404 Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

Anyone for a walk on Saturday

A walk on a full base raises the tech to 3-0 #BeGold /// # 404Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

@EmmaKauf sends @ella_edgmon to the crib, so this day is perfect 3 to 3.

: Https: // /// # 404 Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

@carolineadavis drives @ mallorieblack1 and advances the jacket with a sacrifice fly Techlead 5-2 #BeGold /// # 404Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

@ grace_connelly3 Shoot down the left field line for another jacket run

: Https: // /// # 404 Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

Yes, Kennedy

Lead continues

: Https: // /// # 404 Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

Two more for the jacket

No, I have never accidentally translated Twitter into Spanish.I thought I’d try it in another language, so I recorded a lot of runs

: Https: // /// # 404 Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

Spend the day, @ ella_edgmon

She leads the 7th top in a stand-up double because she is 2 to 3 on that day with a dive catch in her name

(If you miss that catch, scroll down the feed to check it out) #BeGold /// # 404Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

More balls in play = more runs

Tech leads 11-5 in 7th place. # BeGold /// # 404 Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

-Cold Kennedy and-RBI Single

Tech is still in 7th place, leading 13-5. # BeGold /// # 404 Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

@Kennedy_Cowden also swipes @ JinSileo second and steals his home with a double steal to move on to third. # BeGold /// # 404 Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

Want to add you on an already ridiculous day?

Are you sure, @ella_edgmon.You are booing

: Https: // /// # 404 Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

Outta control #BeGold /// # 404Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

The first career home run feels #BeGold /// # 404

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

Catch @ella_edgmon after her 3-4 days and her first career home run. # BeGold /// # 404 Institute

— Georgia Institute of Technology Softball (@GaTechSoftball) March 19, 2022

Alexander-Surp Fund

The Alexander-Tharpe Fund is the Georgia Tech Athletics Financing Division, providing scholarships, operations and facility support to more than 400 Georgia Techs student athletes. Participate in the development of Georgia Institute of Technology Everyday Champions by supporting the annual Athletic Scholarship Fund, which provides direct scholarships to Georgia Institute of Technology student athletes, and Yellow Jacket is the highest level championship in college athletics. Helps to compete. For more information on yellow jacket support, please visit

For the latest information on Georgia Institute of Technology Yellow Jacket, follow us on Instagram (@GaTechSoftball), Twitter (@GaTechSoftball), Facebook (GeorgiaTech Softball), or visit




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