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Rainbow Six Siege Void Edge fixes wooden debris and much more


Ubisoft has just released its 17th free expansion pack, Year 5 Season 1 Void Edge, for Rainbow Six Siege. The update brings two new operators, Iana and Oryx, as well as a redesign of the fan-favorite map, Oregon. Several operators have also been changed for balancing reasons. Twitch and Lesion have notably seen heavy nerves. You can check out all the balancing changes made here.

But that's not all, as Void Edge has also added several new features to the game that aim to improve the player experience a bit.

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Wood debris Photo: REDDIT

My personal favorite change is the consistency of the barricade debris. Everyone who plays rainbow six knows how boring these wooden barricades can be. Sometimes a piece of wood gets stuck on the window when you break it. This obscures vision and can even kill you. I don't know how many times my spikes in appearance with Doc have failed due to a stupid piece of wood that won't sink. Henceforth, partial destruction of a window barricade with a melee or weapon will break it into very small pieces, so that blocking debris should be minimized.

In addition, since Barricade Debris in the game is managed on the client side, many times a broken window will appear broken for one player, but corrected for the others. This can give some players an unfair advantage. The new system should solve this problem that has plagued the game for more than four years.

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Drone Photo: Ubisoft

The game also updated the spawn of the attackers' drones. Previously, your first drones had appeared at random, but now players will have some power over it. From now on, your drone in preparation phase will appear where you first choose your character to appear.

This is not the only change to the drones. Before the update, each time the preparation phase was finished, the attackers were forced to get out of their drones. While this is not a problem for the majority of players, it has annoyed some players who wanted to stay in the camera. This new update adds an option in the game settings that allows you to decide if you want to be removed from your drone after the preparation phase.

Player Hub Photo: UBISOFT

Player Hub has been radically updated. While Ranked, Unclassified, Newcomer and Quick Match are still in the lead. Teaching situations and videos have been moved to a column in the learning area, the learning area also contains more than 12 tip slides that you can read at any time. New players should definitely spend some of their time here. Discovery Quick Match will only queue the Oregon map and disappear after a few weeks. This mode was introduced to familiarize players with the reworked map.

Terrorist Hunt was renamed Training Grounds, probably because most players used THunt to warm up for ranked matches anyway. However, I will not lie, when I first saw training grounds on the menu, I thought rainbow sixfinally got a shooting range. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Come on Ubisoft, make it happen.

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Night Card Photo: DAILY EXPRESS

Additional changes have also been made. Night cards have been removed from custom games, although I don't understand the reasoning behind it. Previously, players could choose the time of day in custom games. The developers also made the hackers more satisfied. Have you ever wondered what happens to the hacker you reported earlier? From now on, you will receive a notification if the player you reported has been banned.

The developers are also fighting toxicity in the game. The new season has added an option that allows players to activate text chat only for their team. You can now choose between ALL, TEAM CHAT or NO CHAT. After updating, team chat is the default option, so don't forget to change it if you want to chat with the enemy team. The game also reactivated the escalating escalation penalty for ranked and unranked modes.

Operator biographies for all operators in year 1 and year 2 have been changed, so if you care about the story, be sure to read them. We now also know why the latest update was so massive. It not only adds new content, but also restructures game files. The overall size of the game should be smaller after the update.

Void Edge also makes several changes to the damage from explosion and shrapnel, Caster UI is also radically updated and now transmits more information. You can read all the changes made on the official website site.

So what do you think? Are you excited about Rainbow Six Siege Void Edge? What would you like to see in the next major update? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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