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Diagnosis using Tech Wave

Diagnosis using Tech Wave


Diagnosis is central to the detection, diagnosis and evaluation of all illnesses and is the backbone of the medical industry. Over 70% of medical decisions regarding the treatment, management and prevention of illness are based on diagnosis. These are important tools in preventive medicine, as discussed and stated by industry ideological leaders at the 4th Elets Diagnostics Leadership Summit.

In an attempt to decipher the diagnostic sector of the future, more than 62 speakers shared their views and insights through 11 interactive sessions and four industry presentations in the 4th edition of the Diagnostic Leadership Summit. The 4th edition was organized after the first 3 editions of the Elets Diagnostics Leadership Summit were successfully run. The summit featured more than 1,500 representatives, more than 120 speakers, and 30 thought-provoking sessions and panel discussions.

Industry experts and sort leaders shared views on topics such as improving the customer experience with connected data, whether humans and machines are at war-a risk-based lab outlook, a rapid diagnostic kit market. -Scope, challenges and opportunities, pandemic humans of infectious diseases, how to optimize inventory and supply chain management through digitalization to reduce diagnostic industry costs, leverage clinical LCMS for advanced diagnostics, effective diagnostic operations Synergistic lab automation for, pandemic guided lab certification for extended diagnostics, pandemic guided lab certification for extended diagnostics, digitization to accelerate the pace of innovation in the diagnostic sector of the future, Diagnostic Roadmap 2022: Diagnostic Industry CEO’s outlook and future for supply chain digitization in.

Dr. Simi Bhatia, director of the Goregaon Reference Lab, technical director of South, West, Central & International Labs of SRL Diagnostics, said automation will make patients more comfortable and less anxious. They can book the desired time for the test, and some labs also share the phlebotomist who comes with their contact number. Patients can track the sample and know when the report is ready. They are completely aware and it reduces their anxiety. Dr. Dinkar Desai, President of the Indian Association of Pathologists and Practical Pathologists, has allowed NABL accredited laboratories to perform RT-PCR testing of COVID due to the rapid proliferation of cases. This helped better manage the pandemic.

Dr. Maithili Kavathekar, director of laboratory services at Sahyadri Specialty Hospital, said molecular biology techniques have brought a different dimension to the Institute of Microbiology. These help identify antimicrobial resistance and feature fast paced testing and improved quality. Dr. Aruna Poojir, Director of Pathology and Microbiology Breach Candy Hospital, shared the need for some kind of re-education training program for people in microbiology and pharmacology. We also need to participate in more microbiology laboratories for surveillance to enhance quality reporting.

Associate Professor Shahzad Mirza (Microbiology), Head of Hospital Infection Control at DY Patil Medical University Hospital and Research Center in Pune, said optimizing the use of antibacterial vaccines is a major area of ​​research. Second, we need to develop new drugs. Also, there is no AMR ambassador, so you shouldn’t work on it. Anindya Chowdhury, COO, Aster Labs, India & GCC said they may not be survival of the fittest, but the widest survival is very important to the broadest diagnostic center when contacting patients and clinicians. Means there is in the future. Patients are accustomed to the useful elements, and laboratories that can respond to them can thrive.

Diagnostics Roadmap 2022: In discussions with CEOs Perspective, Arjun Dang, CEO and Dr Dangs Lab, diagnostics are democratized by digitization and efficient delivery, and we need to move forward with a focus on doing our best for our patients. Dr. Sanjay Arora, Managing Director and Founder of Suburban Diagnostics, said the diagnostic department has been unprecedented in the last two years. The agility that NABL has shown is a great learning for all of us by bringing remote certification to labs that want to participate in the covid test. If that is possible during the covid when we are pressed against the wall, how can we set the standard of operation for all labs today? It will bring about a change in the right direction. If all certification criteria are adopted in all labs for all good reasons, not as obstacles, but as facilitators, the industry-wide testing criteria will improve overall.

Dr. Pankaj Shah, CEO of Aspira Diagnostics, now has high expectations for patients from pathologists. They want faster TAT, digitization, and a growing preference for home visits. When we started in the 80’s, digitization was never in our minds. But thanks to Covid, everyone has begun to digitize. Leveraging AI to better integrate and analyze healthcare is what I have learned. Covid has also raised awareness of people’s health and made them aware of how to sharpen their knowledge. Sharing his views in the discussion, Dr. Mohit Lalchandani, Director and Chief Executive Officer, said: It brought a lot of volume to every lab, reduced staff, and required technology at the time. After the pandemic, insurance has become more important and the need for insurance has increased.

Amit Aggarwal, General Manager of Procurement at Spice Healthcare Pvt, participated in a session on digitization that accelerates the pace of innovation in the diagnostics department of the future. The IoT says it will connect multiple devices from different laboratories to generate data, improve the quality of analytics, and further transform healthcare. Hematologist Dr. Rahul Bhargava – Principal Director of Fortis Healthcare said India is beyond the big cities and has a large hinterland without pathologists. Digitization allowed us to scan a large number of slides and obtain accurate results for a correct diagnosis. Digitization helps bring accessibility to patients. Here’s what to say. Dr. Namita Jagi of Lab Chair Person Lab and Infection Control Chief Education and Research at Artemis Hospital said AMR is a multifactorial problem and therefore the solution must be multifaceted.

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