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3 Call Of Duty games and 2 new Crash Bandicoot games reveal leak


What could be better than a Call Of Duty game? Three Call Of Duty games! (photo: Activision)

The entire Activision line for the next two years may have been leaked online, including a remake of Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath Of Cortex.

Activision appears to be suffering from more leaks than a currently sinking ship. Its Warzone battle royale mode for Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare was known to the public long before its official announcement, and now we may have learned several other titles that the publisher has planned for 2020 and beyond.

The leak comes from The game revolution, which has proven to be a reliable source of Activision information in the past, including providing specific details of the warzone in January. So while there is no guarantee that they are right this time around, they obviously have access to good contacts.

And according to them, Activision has three Call Of Duty games, a Tony Hawk Pro Skater remasterer and two Crash Bandicoot games currently in development.

Certainly some of these claims are fairly safe bets, which almost everyone could guess. A Modern Warfare 2 remaster has been rumored for years now and is expected to be released later this year.

This year, the new Call Of Duty title is supposed to be called Project Zeus and will apparently be released this Christmas as usual. Previous rumors had suggested that Activision could skip this year, due to problems with developer Sledgehammer, but either way, having Warzone, a remaster, and a whole new game seems a bit of a stretch.

But given that Gaming Revolution isn't planning a year for Modern Warfare 2 Remastered, maybe that should be out next year instead.

They also mention a free Call Of Duty title which is not expected until 2021 and will be on consoles, PC and mobile. Its said to be developed by SHGames, which is probably intended to be Sledgehammer Games, although this is a bit unclear.

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A new Tony Hawk Pro Skater has also been the subject of many rumors and asked for quite some time now. In fact, a new entry was apparently confirmed only a few days ago when an Australian punk group mentioned that they were there. Whether it's a new game or a remaster, fans of the series will no doubt be satisfied, as long as it doesn't play like Pro Skater 5.

And then there are the two Crash Bandicoot games. With the success of the N. Sane trilogy, it is not surprising that Activision wants to make more games with the orange marsupial.

We already know that a mobile title is in the works at King, but it was surely only a precursor of a brand new game, right? Well, maybe not if the leak is true.

Rather than the rumored Crash Bandicoot Worlds, Activision apparently plans to remaster Crashs for the first generation of consoles (PlayStation 2, Xbox and GameCube), The Wrath Of Cortex.

The Wrath Of Cortex received fairly mixed reviews from critics when it was released and, unlike the original games trilogy, is not as lovingly redesigned. Maybe a remaster could help fix the original issues and make it a fan favorite?

More: Gaming

Aside from that, some sort of Crash PvP (player versus player) game is apparently in the works, but Gaming Revolution has not provided any other details, other than a 2021 version and that it will come on consoles, PC and mobile. Given all the remastered discussions, Activison may be planning to do the same with Crash Bash, a board game released in 2000.

For now, we can only wait to see if the claims of Gaming Revolutions are correct. If all of this is correct, then the next two years will be very busy and potentially profitable for Activison.

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