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Xbox Series X may finally be starting to catch up with demand

Xbox Series X may finally be starting to catch up with demand


With a living room with a Microsoft Xbox Series X home video game console along with a TV … [+] Soundbar, taken on October 9, 2020. (Photo courtesy of Phil Barker / Future Publishing, via Getty Images)

Future publications by Getty Images

I’ve been back in the Amazon cart many times since Thursday. The Xbox Series X is somehow still there, and in fact[注文する]Begging me to click the button. Thanks to Game Pass Ultimate, I’ll refrain from playing almost any major Xbox Limited Edition on my PC anyway. Still, this is the first time I have faced this situation for a long time.

Xbox Series X is in stock on Amazon Canada for at least 5 days. Twenty months after the arrival of the current generation of consoles, I haven’t seen it.

This is anecdotal evidence, with a very small sample size, but a good sign that Microsoft is starting to meet the demand for the Xbox Series X, at least in Canada. The console will be available directly from Microsoft and Walmart (although bundled with the controller) at least Thursday, but sold out at Best Buy.

The global supply chain crisis, which was a major contributor to console shortages, is not over. It is unlikely that it will be resolved at least until next year. However, there are reports that Microsoft was paying an additional fee for priority access to the chips needed to add more Series X consoles.

There are other signs that game system makers are out of the turbulent era of manufacturing. Last week, Valve said it had stepped up production of Steam Deck and doubled its shipments. Meanwhile, industry analyst Daniel Ahmad said the PlayStation 5 wasn’t sold out in China during the massive restocks last week and yesterday.

Over the past few months, PS5 replenishment has also been frequent in the United States and Canada. There is talk of consoles being widely available in several other markets as well.

Keep in mind that these consoles have exceeded many budgets so far due to the turmoil in the global economy and rising living costs. Therefore, the retail store’s inventory may have increased.

Still, there seem to be positive signs for those who want the PS5 and Xbox Series X. It will take some time for things to stabilize. You can waltz into a local store and get it at any time (so that you can use the Series S in many places), but things are looking up.

I still want the Series X. At least for now, it’s strangely comforting to know that I actually have the option to buy it on a whim, but I’ll probably continue to postpone it for now. And again, I’m self-employed and writing about video games to make a living, so it’s obviously a business expense. Hmmm.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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