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Facebook is out of control. If it were a country, it would be North Korea | Facebook


You can’t have the power to explain Facebook on this planet. There is no legislative office, law enforcement agency or regulatory body. Congress failed. The EU has failed. The stock price actually rose when the Federal Trade Commission imposed a record $5 billion on its role in the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

That’s what makes this moment so entertaining and perhaps groundbreaking. The success of Facebook’s boycott by the world’s largest brands, Unilever, Coca-Cola, and Starbucks, comes from the only thing Facebook understands: its bottom line. If that fails, it will be another kind of landmark.

As this is a company that has spurred attacks on foreign elections in the US elections, it has live streamed the massacre to millions around the world, helping to incite the massacre.

I will say it again. It helped incite the genocide. According to a UN report, the use of Facebook played a decisive role in inciting hatred and violence against Myanmar’s Rohingya, which has killed tens of thousands and killed hundreds of thousands. is.

Facebook is not a mirror. That gun. Unauthorized, uncontrollable, over the hands of 2.6 billion people on Earth

I often think about the report. In a documentary showing Facebook employees playing table tennis in a safe location in Menlo Park, I stopped by a suburban Silicon Valley town earlier this year to see what Mark Zuckerberg has seen in the world so far. When he walked through the normal streets where he lives his perfectly normal life as the only decision maker of a company like no other. I heard that Maria Lessa, a Filipino journalist who did a lot to warn of harm to Facebook, was sentenced to jail. Last week, when I read Orwell’s defense written by former Vice Chancellor Nick Creg. Platforms like Facebook hold a mirror in society, he said.

Facebook is not a mirror. That gun. Without permission, it is not subject to law or regulation. Located in the hands and homes of 2.6 billion people, admiring the cleansing effect of the Holocaust, a secret agent acting for the nation, sneaking into the lab for a group that believes 5G will lift our brain waves. Increasingly our sleep.

People sometimes say that if Facebook were a country, it would be bigger than China. But this is a false analogy. If Facebook was a country, it was a rogue nation. North Korea. And it’s not a gun. That nuclear weapon.

This is not a dictatorship, a dictatorship, a company like a world empire ruled by a man. Who chose to ignore critics around the world, even if the evidence of harm was undeniable, uncontroversial and overwhelming?

Instead, it continues to mercilessly and unbelievably emit increasingly puzzling advertisements, despite controlling the major news distribution channels. And I feel it’s almost impossible to live today and live unaffected by Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram, just as North Koreans can’t work abroad.

The #StopHateForProfit campaign focuses on malicious expressions. Six American human rights organizations in the United States have united to encourage advertisers to suspend July advertising. The campaign surged due to Facebook’s decision not to delete Donald Trump’s post, which threatens violence against BlackLivesMatter protesters. When looting begins, shooting begins.

But this is much larger than Facebook’s hatred issue. And while it goes far beyond the United States, the role it plays in US elections is crucial (and it’s important that #StopHateForProfits’s demands don’t go far beyond stopping lies in political advertising). The damage to Facebook is global. The threat to democracy is existential.

Is it a coincidence that the three countries that have dealt with the worst of the coronavirus are the ones with populist leaders campaigning for Facebook’s ability to spread large lies? Trump, Bolsonaro, Johnson. maybe. Probably not.

And if you don’t mind democracy, think a bit about the coronavirus. Want enough people to get the vaccine when it comes? Facebook suffers from anti-bacsing that seems to have been infected with anti-Semitism. If it’s a mirror, Nick, you might want a long, cold, hard look.

Zuckerberg is not Kim Jong Un. He is much, much more powerful. My guess is that he told employees last week that all these advertisers will be back on the platform soon. And now, with 500 companies participating in the boycott, the Wall Street Journal reports this is just a 5% drop in profits. It may turn out that Facebook is no bigger than China. Greater than that capitalism.

After all, that’s what we and our purses, and what we say to these brands. Because the world must recognize that no one comes to salvation. Trump and Zuckerberg tacitly formed a strategic alliance, almost certainly not mentioned. Only the United States has the power to cut the wings of Facebook. And Facebook is the only one that has the power to stop Trump from spreading lies.

Sometimes you don’t notice a significant moment in history until it’s too late. And sometimes you do. It’s not too late. Almost.

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