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Delaware’s ‘Block Party’ for Entrepreneurs Comes to Wilmington Streets on October 4th

Delaware’s ‘Block Party’ for Entrepreneurs Comes to Wilmington Streets on October 4th


Editor’s Note: This article first appeared as a newsletter with a roundup of this week’s reports, job postings, and more from Technical.lysbest. Subscribe here to receive the latest Delaware tech, business and innovation updates in your inbox on Thursdays.

Jeremy Hebbel is best known as one of the co-founders of Gable Music Ventures and Ladybug Festival. The Ladybug Festival is an event that brings thousands of people to downtown Wilmington each summer to celebrate women in the world of music.

Hebbel moved from Gable a few months ago to become a full-time program manager for the Emerging Enterprise Center. She currently holds her current role as Project Manager and Events Specialist for the New He Castle County Chamber of Commerce.

On Tuesday, October 4th, the 5th Annual Delaware Entrepreneur Summit returns to IRL in a familiar new format.

“You know, I love throwing block parties,” Hebbel told “When we started talking about what we wanted this year’s Entrepreneurship Summit to look like, we just wanted to celebrate and inspire the entrepreneurial community. I’ve applied a lot of what I’ve learned over the course of about 10 years at Ladybug to this kind of event, and I’m really not sure how it turned out. I am excited.”

See full schedule

Market Street between 5th and 6th Avenues will be closed for the duration of the event, with an outdoor main stage set aside for keynotes and some panels, similar to Ladybug. Additional panels occur within the Queen and Old Town Hall.

The main stage is a view of Willingtown Square, a small historic portion that serves as the event’s beer garden and networking space, and features a selection of Delaware brewed beers.

Local food is also available, with vendors including members of the Wilmington Kitchen Collective, local food trucks, and restaurateurs. Market Street eateries Green Box Kitchen and Farmer and the Cow will also be participating.

“This is a celebration. Get out, have fun, have a good time. That’s exactly what this is all about,” Hebbel said. “One of the panels we call Take the Leap is about people who went from really good employment to starting their own businesses. It’s wonderful.”

The event will begin at noon on the main stage with an opening keynote by Chris Buccini, co-president of the Buccini Polin Group, followed by a panel of Delaware restaurateurs laying out their “recipes for success.” Other topics covered throughout the day include finding his venture capital in Delaware, brand building, the economy of creativity, and the value of partnerships.

At The Queen, Lee Mikles and Patrick Callahan will be recording a live podcast of “Battle Scars, Tales from Entrepreneurs.”

The closing keynote will be hosted by Ivan Thomas, with Carl Shaw and Jamar Raming on the main stage. The event doesn’t stop there. The festivities continue in the beer garden and at 6pm, The Queen kicks off with the finals of the Emerging Enterprise Center’s Swim with the Sharks competition.

Speaking of Swim with the Sharks, the finalists competing on October 4th are:

Aaron Swan II, CEO of 24HR Truck ServicesCora Leigh Castle, President and CEO of OmniPotential Energy Partners, LLCShavonne Fair, Owner and CEO of Hybrid BakeryDiego Ruiz, Owner of LU SportsAaron Weaver, Owner and Physician of First State Direct Primary Care

In addition to the $10,000 grand prize and $1,000 People’s Choice Award, this year there will also be a $2,500 runner-up prize presented by Harvard Business Services.

You can view the qualifying round pitches online and vote for the People’s Choice Awards.





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