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Navy’s Innovation Hub has three new ideas to attract and fund small innovators

Navy’s Innovation Hub has three new ideas to attract and fund small innovators


Every component of the Department of Defense involved in technology development has one or more dedicated to the proposition that many of the challenges of the Pentagon’s acquisition could be overcome if there was a frictionless way to combine small innovators with Uncle Sam’s big wallet. There is an organization of No one has fully cracked the code yet, but the Navy has some ideas that could ultimately help.

The Navy Department’s innovation hub, called NavalX, has several new…

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Every component of the Department of Defense involved in technology development has one or more dedicated to the proposition that many of the challenges of the Pentagon’s acquisition could be overcome if there was a frictionless way to combine small innovators with Uncle Sam’s big wallet. There is an organization of No one has fully cracked the code yet, but the Navy has some ideas that could ultimately help.

The Navy Department’s innovation hub, called NavalX, is launching several new initiatives this month to help attract new companies to its defense technology innovation base and keep the most promising technologies from dying in the wind. is.

First, NavalX plans to launch what it calls prototyping as a service. Rather than prototyping new technologies in-house, the Navy will outsource at least some of its work to 501(c)3 nonprofits that specialize in prototyping, and at least initially in the area of ​​autonomous systems. focus.

On the other hand, to help scout for promising new technologies that fit military missions, the organization contracts with venture capital firms that have already done such to inform private sector investments.

Given how well VCs work, they’re kind of on the edge of a particular tech stack, with giants like Kleiner Perkins and Sequoia spending billions on AI and quantum computing. Yes, says Cmdr. said Nick Breedlove, Director of Private Capital Projects at NavalX. The Office of Naval Research has scientists working on quantum and AI.They are really good at translating it into fighter planes, but probably not the best [at scouting]So you pay VCs to do due diligence and tech scouting.

And to fund the development and transition of the technology it finds, the Navy will get into the debt financing business to some degree, Breedlove said at the annual FedSuperNova conference in Austin, Texas.

These new debentures provide companies with two separate death valleys: between prototype and production, and between production and large-scale production, which the military needs to make meaningful use of certain technologies. Designed and intended to help cross the two valleys of death.

please think about it. How often has the Department of Defense ever issued debt? We do it all the time, we have issued contracts that take four years, but we have never done immediate debt. Department of Defense why didn’t it do that? With 22 agencies within the same government, no one really knows. These are some of the things that worked well. They’re not going to change the nature of the acquisition, but they’re a way to help you get through the two valleys of death.

The Navy first unveiled the NavalX concept in late 2019. The heart of the project is what the Navy calls a technological bridge. The basic idea is to bring the Navy to a physical place where innovation is happening. NavalX started with his 5 tech bridges and now has 18 locations including Japan and the UK.

In each case, the Navy allocates field staff to connect laboratories and war centers at those locations with local businesses, private sector researchers, and academia.

Breedlove said the model hasn’t changed and future changes will be more sophisticated. Each military service is trying to find ways to adapt its acquisition model to access private sector innovation.

AFWERX, Army Futures Command, and NavalX were all fairly young in their division’s grand scheme of things, but they all started with the idea of ​​solving an acquisition problem. It’s not fixed, so it’s currently changed in the margin. You can’t fix the pain of getting along the way. It’s a parliamentary thing, so I was getting close to the limit.

Still, that’s not to say the service’s own approach to the industry can’t be improved without Capitol Hill’s intervention.

For example, according to Breedlove, the Navy still likes localized Tech Bridge models for a variety of reasons. But there is a good balance between creating dozens of geographically specific doors for local businesses to reach and having a single entry point for companies with technology related to naval operations. I haven’t found the perfect balance.

The Air Force and Army have done a good job of creating one filter, all within its front door. The Navy has a decentralized culture, thinking about ships on the horizon before radio. So we have technology bridges across the green earth of the gods that are deliberately decentralized and co-located with engineering hubs for SMEs, Prime, Academia and even Naval. From our point of view, it’s very smart, but not so smart for startup men and women who have technology and don’t know where to start. Over the past five years, we have changed and adapted our corporate culture to find the best way to engage with the business. It wasn’t fixed and it wasn’t even close.




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