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Fincantieri delivers MSC Seascape, the largest and most environmentally friendly vessel ever built in Italy

Fincantieri delivers MSC Seascape, the largest and most environmentally friendly vessel ever built in Italy



The MSC Group’s cruise division has officially received its new flagship MSC Seascape from Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri in a ceremony held at Fincantieri’s shipyard in Monfalcone. MSC Seascape is the largest and most technologically advanced cruise ship ever built in Italy and features important innovations from an environmental point of view.

The vessel is the 21st vessel to join MSC Cruises’ fleet and the fourth vessel built by Fincantieri as part of a $7 billion investment package for 10 vessels. The shipyard will also build her six new ships for MSC’s luxury travel brand, Explora Journeys.

MSC Seascape is the second Seaside EVO Class ship, an evolution of the pioneering Seaside Class. She joins MSC Seaside and MSC Seaview, which entered service in 2017 and 2018 respectively, while sister ship MSC Seashore will be delivered in 2021.

The cruise ship is 339 meters long, 41 meters wide and 76 meters high with a gross weight of 170,400 tons. Her ship’s maximum speed is approx. At 21.8 knots (40 km/h) she can accommodate 5,632 guests and her 1,648 crew.

MSC Seascape is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and equipment to minimize the environmental impact of the ship. This includes a state-of-the-art hybrid exhaust gas cleaning system (EGCS) and a selective catalytic reduction system (SCR) that reduces sulfur oxide emissions by 98% and nitrogen oxide emissions by 90%. To do. At the same time, an advanced wastewater treatment system supplies purified water, achieving higher standards of purification than most land-based wastewater treatment plants.

MSC Seascape has been designated ‘Green Plus’, the highest additional level of environmental sustainability notation issued by the RINA certification body. This notation describes design solutions, on-board equipment and equipment voluntarily implemented during construction and during vessel operation with the aim of improving environmental performance beyond the minimum levels required by applicable international regulations. I know the operating procedures.

Additionally, 65% of public areas have been reimagined to take the guest experience to a new level, offering guests a range of brand new features, venues and experiences. In addition, the ship offers 13,000 square meters of outdoor space, with a variety of outdoor bars and dining, swimming pools, areas for relaxing and sunbathing, and different vantage points to take in stunning views of the ocean.

After being officially named in New York on 7 December, MSC Seascape will set sail weekly from Miami, symbolizing ‘Made in Italy’ excellence in the Caribbean.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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