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NVIDIA Ampere GPUs Now Available on Google Cloud | NVIDIA Blog


NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU is now available on Google Cloud.

With the alpha version of Google Compute Engine available more than a month after its introduction, the A100 appeared in the cloud faster than any previous NVIDIA GPU.

Today, with the introduction of the Accelerator-Optimized VM (A2) instance family featuring the A100, Google has become the first cloud service provider to offer a new NVIDIA GPU.

Built on the newly introduced NVIDIA Ampere architecture, the A100 delivers NVIDIA’s unprecedented breakthrough in generations. This boosts training and inference computing performance by a factor of 20 compared to previous generations, powerfully accelerating the AI ​​revolution of workloads.

Manish Sainani, Head of Product Management at Google Cloud, said that Google Cloud customers often help us to provide the latest hardware and software services to drive innovation in AI and scientific computing workloads. I’m watching it. With the new A2 VM family, we are proud to be the first major cloud provider to bring the NVIDIA A100 GPU to market, just like the NVIDIA T4 GPU. We look forward to what our customers will do with these new features.

In the cloud data center, the A100 can power a wide range of compute-intensive applications such as AI training and inference, data analytics, scientific computing, genomics, edge video analytics and 5G services.

Fast-growing, key industries can accelerate discovery with the breakthrough performance of the Google Compute Engine A100. The A100 accelerates complex and unpredictable workloads of any size running in the cloud, from scaling up AI training and scientific computing to scaling out inference applications to real-time, conversational AI.

NVIDIA CUDA 11 will be generally available soon to give developers access to new features of the NVIDIA A100 GPU, including Tensor cores, mixed precision modes, multi-instance GPUs, advanced memory management, and standard C++/Fortran parallel language constructs. Will be.

Breakthrough A100 performance in the cloud for workloads of all sizes

The new A2 VM instances offer varying levels of performance and can efficiently accelerate workloads across CUDA-enabled machine learning training and inference, data analytics, and high performance computing.

For large and demanding workloads, Google Compute Engine offers a2-megagpu-16g instances with 16 A100 GPUs, totaling 640GB GPU memory and 1.3TB system memory, all up to 9.6GB. Connected by TB/NV Switch. s Total bandwidth.

For smaller workloads, Google Compute Engine also offers A2 VMs in smaller configurations to match the needs of your particular application.

Google Cloud has announced the upcoming additional NVIDIA A100 support for NVIDIA Kubernetes Engine, Cloud AI Platform and other Google Cloud services. Visit the Google Cloud blog for more technical details about the new A2 VM family, including how to sign up for access.

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