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New Air Force Stealth bomber arrives in just two years


The long-awaited high-tech bomber B-21 “appears two years later” brings a new dimension of stealth, software, attack potential, and nuclear deterrence to the US Air Force. It could even usher in a new tactical approach to how modern operations move forward in the coming years.

In a conversation with the Mitchell Aerospace Laboratory on the importance of modernizing the nuclear triad, Air Force Chief of Staff Steven Wilson confirmed that a new stealth aircraft “will appear two years later”.

There has been debate over the impending first test flight, and service weapons developers have consistently stated that the program has been very successful in the last few years. Of course, it’s a black program, so you probably won’t get the details about that particular developmental nuance. However, prototyping, software development, and the overall success of the program are well documented. Given all these factors, it’s no wonder that the B-21 is ready for operation a few years away. Senior weapons developers say the aircraft are expected to arrive in the 2020s, so it’s likely that it’s actually quite early.

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For the past few months, Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett, Air Force Chief Scientist Dr. Richard Joseph, and Air Force Acquisition Director Dr. William Roper have been involved in on-site discussions with B-21 scientists and aircraft weapons developers. I visited Palmdale, California. Manufacturer of Northrop Grumman.

B-21 Raider-The artist’s impression. (US Air Force)

During the visit, Roper commented on the extent to which the B-21 could bring a new dimension to stealth attacks, saying it “brings the boundaries of hardware technologies such as stealth” and “opens a new path for agile software development.” To the Air Force Report.

Roper has advocated software modernization as the technical foundation for rapid and agile modernization. He recently published some important comments about B-21’s progress on key elements of software and mission commands.

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There are few details about the technical composition of the B-21s for obvious reasons, but there are some interesting comments from the Air Force developers, and some observations that can only be seen by looking at the available images.

Due to the synergy of virtualization and software and hardware, B-21 sensors, computers, and electronics have procedural capabilities such as checking avionics details, measuring altitude and speed, and integrating different pools of sensor information. Better scale, deploy, and streamline. In fact, war-sensitive sensors, targeting, and navigation data are managed and organized as computer automation advances. This allows pilots to make faster and more informed battle decisions.

In previous statements, Roper referred to “containerized software” contained in B-21. The website of “Cubernetes”. Roper cited Kubernetes, a computer system for “automating application deployment, scaling, and management.” Much of this, as Roper quotes, comes from so-called application containerization. According to, this is defined as an operating system level “virtualization technique used to deploy and run distributed applications”. Containerization allows multiple “isolated applications or services to run on a single host and access the same operating system.”

By leveraging software-enabled virtualization, systems can accelerate upgrades, reduce hardware footprint, and better utilize automation, AI, and machine learning applications. In the sense of a total war, this means B-21 pilots can share information and find and destroy targets such as enemy air-raid shelters much faster than ever before. It speeds the attack of precision weapons, identifies approaching air and ground threats, and perhaps most importantly, keeps the pilot’s crew alive.

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Much of the detail about the B-21’s stealth technology remains mysterious, but a quick glance at its composition seems to show some interesting new developments. The engine “entrance” is more curved and embedded in the fuselage compared to its predecessor, the B-2. The body surrounding the inlet is more rounded and has a slightly smaller angle. This suggests a new way to implement “low radar signature” stealth engineering. Naturally, fewer edges, cornered shapes or protruding structures will result in much less return signal to enemy radar. Also, the back of the aircraft seems to show little or no heat supply, as if suggesting that the engine embedded inside emits even smaller heat signals than the current state-of-the-art stealth engines. .. Alternatively, there may simply be new ways to manage how heat is dissipated or released from the aircraft in order to reduce or eliminate detectable signs of heat. In addition, a stealth fuselage has been constructed to effectively “undetect” enemy sensors, effectively mirroring the surrounding atmosphere and eliminating detectable temperature differences. Lastly, the structural shape of the command center cockpit of the B-21 crew is slightly lower than the B-2, and the shape is slightly rounded or’blended’ so it can be detected seamlessly. It is difficult to do.

Chris Osbourne is the Editor-in-Chief of Warrior Maven and National Interest Defense Editor.

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