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What I learned about foreign policy from starting a startup

What I learned about foreign policy from starting a startup


Few ecosystems are as far apart as the world of diplomacy, one of the world’s oldest professions, and the fast-paced and risk-taking world of startups. But as the co-founder of Overwatch Data, he spent his time in the Y Combinator program (YC) thinking about what my former home of establishing foreign policy could learn from the startup world. I noticed that

Understand market needs

Success in both startups and foreign policy requires an understanding of complex markets or geographies in order to make effective interventions. Startups have new techniques for testing whether interventions gain momentum. All early stage startups are trying to find a product/market fit to develop a product that meets the needs of a large and growing market. Your product is so popular that customers are adopting it much faster than you can catch up. There are methods that can help you find the fit, such as researching and using agile project management to iterate and launch faster. Startups that don’t find product/market fit die of natural causes.

Concepts like product/market fit do not really exist in global, trade or humanitarian issues. Indeed, often the issues and stakeholders are much more complex. But rarely are there clear success criteria to aim for or methods for quickly understanding political needs.

This often leads to a focus on too many priorities at once, leading to top-down interventions based on a few expert opinions or painstaking randomized controlled trials.

In the product/market fit approach, (1) demand for solutions is already high, (2) existing substandard solutions, (3) clear and increasing traction, (4) buy-in from foreign governments, (5) Users who will be terribly disappointed if your intervention is removed.

Skilled immigration policy is the cornerstone of democratic competitiveness

Former Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew said that China has access to a talent pool of 1.3 billion people, while the United States can tap into a talent pool of 7 billion people and deploy them in diverse cultures that, like the Han Chinese, foster creativity. He reportedly said he could reunite. Nationalism is not possible.

I had always appreciated sentiment, but I saw how important and broken pieces of the US skilled immigration system actually mattered. I can’t get a visa to attend a YC event in Statistically, these founders represent technology’s best bets for creating useful products and then capitalizing on jobs and economic growth.Immigration policy should be on the agenda of every foreign policy meeting

Big tech is not a big part of the tech innovation ecosystem

Tech innovation should be at the core of our vision of a high-value knowledge economy, but public culture wars between governments and big tech companies, especially social media companies and brash VCs, have been poisoning the well. I was.

Government delegations to Silicon Valley often meet exclusively with the public policy teams of big tech companies, so their understanding of how the actual tech ecosystem thrives is limited. It is These companies and their public policy teams are more like governments than YC startups pushing the boundaries of everything from genetic engineering to space travel to productizing machine learning breakthroughs. similar. To understand how to build innovation ecosystems, policymakers should look beyond big tech companies.

Pilots are more important than funding for startups

The superpower of a successful startup is learning and adapting faster than anyone else, and nothing accelerates learning like working with customers. Risk, Humanity, Peace, Security, Supply If we want to see more innovation in his chain technology, we need more opportunities for paid pilots. There are more and more cyber-secure ways to do this, especially via web apps and external APIs that leverage security features built into cloud providers and browsers.

The power of data and scale

As is well known in the field of international affairs, doing only manual analysis is a wasted opportunity. Innovations in geobatching, machine learning, and cloud computing have made it possible to model parts of the world and understand the impact of geopolitical events, trends, and decisions in real time.

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This is why we built Overwatch Data to detect and analyze the events that surfaced in the web and deep web, highlighting their history, providing supply chain routes, commodity production sites and climate change heatmaps.

Founding a startup taught me the importance of skilled transition programs, deep involvement in innovation ecosystems, using startup products to drive innovation, and harnessing the power of data to make the world a better place. I called.

Arjun Bisen is a former Fulbright Scholar, Technology Policy Advisor, former Australian Diplomat, and technical and public purpose project stakeholder at the Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center for International Affairs. Follow him on Twitter @ArjunBisen1.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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