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Net-zero agriculture is not possible without investing in agritech

Net-zero agriculture is not possible without investing in agritech


Developing and applying agricultural technologies must become a priority for the UK government if the agricultural sector is to reach net zero, warns new research.

The government has put forward an ambitious plan to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 while improving the quality and quantity of agricultural production.

The NFU is pushing for even more progressive targets, aiming to achieve net zero emissions from agriculture in England and Wales by 2040.

See: Opinion: When it comes to sustainable agriculture, agritech is part of the solution.

But a report by Bayer Crop Science and the Agri-EPI Center warns that net-zero ambitions are in danger of failing unless governments revamp their approach to innovation and agritech implementation.

The report ‘Innovating the food supply chain: unlocking agritech towards net zero’ aims to make food safer and net zero across the UK by 2050, while at the same time decarbonizing food production. It presents the government with a set of recommendations for achieving its ambitions.

The Public Policy Project (PPP) report aims to help agritech to meet its ambition to improve food security and nutrition while reducing emissions from agriculture, as set out in the government’s food strategy. It emphasizes the need for innovation and revision of implementation processes.

The 41-page report contains 14 recommendations, highlighting the critical role of consumers in the innovation journey while offering suggestions for improving trust between consumers and the industry. increase.

Agri-EPI Chief Executive Officer Dave Ross said: Net zero is the ultimate ambition, and the agri-food supply he chain must play a role in both reducing and sequestering carbon dioxide.

We fully support the recommendation to continue and indeed increase this assistance to meet future greenhouse gas reduction challenges.

1/3 of GHG emissions

Simon Pearson, Professor of Agro-Food Technology and Director of the Lincoln Institute of Agri-Food Technology, said: UK primary agriculture.

At the same time, society faces extremely high food price inflation. The food sector urgently needs to transform its economic and environmental productivity.

This PPP report is a must-read and provides a clear strategy on how the UK can transform and secure its position as a global leader in agricultural technology.

UK Government funding for agricultural research is around 320 million annually, with a further 90 million provided through the Industry Challenges Fund to help transform food production.

Seven key recommendations from the report Defra should incorporate new data collection, sharing processes and requirements into its Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme. A case study to facilitate support for the Food Data Transparency Partnership as a decentralized library linking data collected from across the supply chain. UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council, which should be overseen, have established new guidance on the trials of new agritech products, highlighting sustainability values ​​alongside more traditional metrics. I need to be able to measure. Support the development of key products through the creation of small business research initiatives. The National Science and Technology Council should seek to assess the impact of continued agritech investment in the context of the UK’s broader net-zero ambitions.




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