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Netflix series make up 60% of Google’s 2022 ‘Year in Search’ list

Netflix series make up 60% of Google’s 2022 ‘Year in Search’ list


Photo: All Of Us Are Dead, Heartstopper, DAHMER

As the year rolls on, we start receiving data and tidbits looking back at the year from sources like Google. Newly released search data for 2022 reveals which TV shows and movies saw the biggest surge in search traffic that year. Netflix held its own place in TV listings around the world, but none of its films appeared in the US and UK.

Released in the last month of each year, Google’s Year in Search offers an interesting (but not perfect) way to look at trends for 2022. Due to how these lists are created, we see movies and series that have dominated the news cycle for a shorter period of time. Make your features stand out more.

Look at the UK list where GI Jane appears. It’s no doubt caused by many Brits wondering which movie Chris Rock was referring to before he was immediately slapped.

According to Google, here’s how these lists are created:

“The list is based on the search terms that have risen the most this year compared to the previous year.”

Here’s a breakdown of the world’s top 10 movies and TV shows for 2022:

Top 10 Shows on Google’s Year in Search 2022 Global List Euphoria (HBO) House of the Dragon (HBO) Moon Knight (Disney+) The Watcher (Netflix) Inventing Anna (Netflix) Dahmer (Netflix) The Boys (Prime Video) All of Us Are Dead (Netflix) The Sandman (Netflix) Heartstopper (Netflix) Top 10 Movies in Google’s Year in Search 2022 Global List Thor: Love and Thunder (Disney) Black Adam (WBD) Top Gun: Maverick (Paramount) The Batman ( WBD) Encanto (Disney) Brahmstra: Part One Shiva Jurassic World Dominion (Universal) KGF: Chapter 2 Uncharted (Sony) Morbius (Sony) US Google Search Top Shows and Movies

Stranger Things – Photo: Netflix

In the U.S., where competition for distributors and streamers is fierce, Netflix managed to grab only three spots on the TV series list, and like its global list, none of its 2022 movie slates were featured.

Google Year-In Search 2022 US List Top 10 Euphoria (HBO) Stranger Things (Netflix) The Watcher (Netflix) Inventing Anna (Netflix) House of the Dragons (HBO) Moon Nights (Disney+) Yellowstone (Paramount Network) The Summer I Turned Pretty (Prime Video) Obi-Wan Kenobi (Disney+) She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (Disney+) Google’s Year in Search 2022 Top 10 US List Movies Encanto (Disney) Thor: Love and Thunder (Disney) Top Gun: Maverick (Paramount) The Batman (WBD) Everything Everywhere All at once (A24) Black Adam (WBD) Jurassic World Dominion (Universal) Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (Disney) Morbius (Sony) Turning Red (Disney) Topics on Google and movies search in uk

Photo: Netflix

In the UK, Netflix dominates the most trending list, with Stranger Things crowned as the most trending TV show of 2022. The TV miniseries Stay Close also performed well in the UK, coming in at number three.

Google’s Top 10 Shows of the Year in Search 2022 UK List Stranger Things (Netflix) The Watcher (Netflix) Stay Close (Netflix) The Tourist (BBC) Euphoria (HBO) House of the Dragon (HBO) Inventing Anna (Netflix) I’ m a Celeb (ITV) Dahmer (Netflix) Moon Knight (Disney+) Top 10 Movies in Google’s Year in Search 2022 UK List Encanto (Disney) The Batman (WBD) Uncharted (Sony) Thor: Love and Thunder (Disney) Black Adam (WBD) ) Top Gun (Paramount) Everything Everywhere All At Once (A24) GI Jane (Disney) Jurassic World Dominion (Universal) Morbius (Sony)

You can see the full breakdown of Google’s Year in Search list and more countries on our official hub page.




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