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San Jose invests in smart city tech as a power multiplier


San Jose’s new traffic management system helped reduce response times for first responders. Source: San Jose City

The city was also evaluated for how to incorporate more data into the planning process. Previously, the city relied on old-fashioned paper maps and traffic figures, but authorities have found that this process excludes information from key sources.

Lloyd said he would avoid investing in infrastructure for siled issues that could change significantly depending on what was planned, scrutinized, and discussed between the departments. It was The Department of Transport team has used the data to complete one project to see how an integrated development view can help us in our work to eradicate road and fatal accidents. The insight was great.

Perhaps the most noticeable change for the population is in the form of an improved customer relationship management system. In the past, cities relied on error-prone and tedious processes. As each department tried to figure out its own case, they exchanged thousands of emails with each other. The Mayor of San Jose and the city council prioritized the implementation of better solutions.

The city has moved to an omni-channel system centered around the mobile app and online portal My San Jose (now San Jose 311). San Jose built its mobile app platform using technologies such as Oracle Data Visualization and Oracle Service Cloud.

Residents can now instantly submit requests for issues such as potholes, broken streetlights, junk cars, graffiti, and illegal dumping. The system received over 150,000 requests per year, reducing duplicate car scrap entries by about 20%.

The app is so easy to use that it comes at the cost of its own success. Many praised the new discovered ease of contacting the city. For others, we began to know that if we didn’t solve something in a day, the people would call us to scold us, says Lloyd.

More on STATETECH: See how 5G networks can impact smart cities.

San Jose reveals promising innovative ideas

The city favors more proven solutions than the highly advertised smart city technology, but San Jose has been successful by giving people the freedom to experiment. Through fellowships, competitions and corporate partnerships, the city has found many impactful solutions.

A city employee has developed an algorithm to identify high-risk buildings for code implementation. Another has produced a very accurate algorithm in predicting youth violence and potential blind spots. The winner of the city-sponsored Unleash Your Geek contest came up with a drone that removes graffiti from highway overpasses. And Airbnb worked with the city to find a host who would provide space for homeless students.

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