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New York Launches Covid-19 Ready Initiative for Public Transport


This challenge aims to help the rapid adoption of innovative transportation technologies

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and Transit Innovation Partnership in New York have launched the Covid-19 Response Challenge.

In the context of a global pandemic, our goal is to evaluate and implement technologies that involve the private technology industry and enable public transportation to be safer, healthier, and able to meet the needs of our customers and workforce. Areas of interest include thermal monitoring tools, robotic cleaning equipment, and tools for measuring and mitigating congestion.

Ask for suggestions

This challenge requires companies to submit by 30 July a proposal to address key health and safety goals related to the New York metropolitan public transport pandemic.

“We need to look far and wide for new ideas,” said Sarah Feinberg, interim New York City Transportation Director, to truly modernize all elements of how transportation systems operate. It was She said, “It takes advantage of the city’s strong entrepreneurial and tech scene, and in a new way how key institutions like New York City Transit can embrace all the innovation it does. It means thinking.”

The MTA specifically seeks companies that demonstrate innovative technologies that can safely reduce or eliminate polluted aerosols from MTA’s public transportation systems. Other public agencies participating in the Covid Challenge (New York City Transportation Authority, New Jersey Transit, and Port Authority) are looking for a broader set of solutions.

Companies that submit proposals that are considered promising by evaluators in the transit, technology, and health sectors may have the opportunity to implement the technology in regional transit systems, including the MTA.

Challenge organizers list the areas of interest as follows:

Thermal monitoring tools and systems for automatically measuring body temperature. Use state-of-the-art cleaners and equipment such as electrostatic sprayers, newly designed air filtration systems, light-based systems, and antibacterial shield approaches to measure and facilitate shared transportation space tool distances. Measure, communicate, mitigate congestion on trains, buses, train stations and other shared space tools and frameworks, and use innovations in masks and other personal protective equipment in personal protective equipment, including contactless vending machines. Redesign vehicle and station shared spaces and toll collections with fare card machines, mask and shield designs, disinfectant dispensers, partition approaches and technologies to identify and communicate potential exposure risk tools to measure and support Secure cloud for monitoring, situational awareness, operations, and service of autonomous cleaning robots and robot infrastructure, which promotes clean, healthy, safe and distance-expanding platforms to increase customer feedback and communication opportunities. Platforms and other remote transportation counseling, coaching, self-care platform tools to support employees, equipment delivery to support cleaner digital services for cleaners to further support transportation employees’ mental and physical health.

The Covid-19 Response Challenge builds on previous collaboration to address pandemics. This includes the MTA launching the Essential Connctor app and Transit Tech Lab graduate Axon Vibe to help essential workers plan their trips during nighttime subway disinfection operations.

“The pandemic was hit in New York like no other in the country. The MTA has taken unprecedented steps in the last four months, providing an innovative way to reduce rider and worker risk. did.”

Transit Tech Labs is one of the Transit Innovation Partnership initiatives created by the MTA and New York City partnerships in response to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s request for private sector innovation to improve public transportation.

In addition to MTA staff such as Chief Innovation Officer Mark Dowd, private sector and academic experts with experience in transportation, public health, urban innovation, infrastructure and artificial intelligence also appreciated submissions to the Covid-19 Response Challenge. I will.

“The pandemic was hit in New York like no other in the country. The MTA has taken unprecedented steps in the last four months, opening up innovative ways to reduce rider and worker risk. It opened,” Dowd said. “We are excited to partner with the Transit Innovation Partnership to find new technologies and approaches. Safely remove polluted aerosols from our public transportation system.”

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