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Apple ramps up smartphone services in quiet war with Google

Apple ramps up smartphone services in quiet war with Google


Apple has taken steps to separate its mobile operating system from features provided by Google parent company Alphabet, and has made advances in maps, search and advertising, creating a collision course among big tech companies. I’m here.

The two Silicon Valley giants have been rivals in the smartphone market since Google bought and popularized the Android operating system in the 2000s.

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs called Android a stolen copy of Apple’s iOS mobile software, declared thermonuclear war on Google, and announced in 2009 that the search company’s then-CEO Eric Sc ​​Hmidt has been removed from Apple’s board of directors.

The rivalry has since become less tumultuous, but two former Apple engineers say the iPhone makers have held a grudge against Google ever since.

One of these people said Apple is still at a quiet war with its biggest rival. It does this by developing features that allow the iPhone maker to further separate its products from his Google-provided services. Apple did not respond to a request for comment.

At the forefront of this battle is mapping, which began in 2012 when Apple released Maps, supplanting rival Google with pre-download apps.

Apple CEO Tim Cook had to apologize for software glitches in earlier versions of Maps Cesare Abbate/EPA-EFE

The move was supposed to be a glorious moment for Apple’s software prowess, but the launch was so buggy that, for example, some bridges were deformed and looked like they were sinking into the ocean, leaving the chief executive behind. CEO Tim Cook said he was very sorry about the frustration this had caused his customers.

However, Apples Maps has improved significantly over the last decade. Earlier this month, the company announced his Business Connect. This is a feature that allows businesses to request your digital location so that they can interact with you, show you photos, or offer promotions.

This is a direct challenge to Google Maps, which has partnered with recommendation platform Yelp to provide similar information and monetize from advertising and referral fees.

Business Connect goes even further by leveraging Apple’s operating system to provide unique features to iOS users. For example, seamless integration with Apple Pay and Business Chat, a text-based conversational tool for commerce.

Apple is very well positioned to increasingly separate itself from Google, largely under the guise of consumer privacy, said Cory Munchbach, chief executive of customer data platform BlueConic. .

The second front in the fight is search. While Apple rarely discusses products in development, it has long been working on an internally known feature called Apple Search, according to project employees.

The history of Apple’s search team goes back to at least 2013. Topsy Labs is a startup that was indexing Twitter to enable search and analytics. The technology is used whenever an iPhone user asks his Apple voice assistant Siri for information, enters a query from the home screen, or uses his Spotlight search feature on the Mac.

Apple’s search service was enhanced with the 2019 acquisition of Laserlike. Laserlike is an artificial intelligence startup founded by former Google engineers with a mission to provide high quality information and diverse perspectives on any topic from across the web.

Josh Koenig, chief strategy officer at website platform Pantheon, warns Apple will quickly take away Google’s 92% share of the search market by not making Google the default for 1.2 billion iPhone users. said he could.

If Apple could make something essentially as good as Google’s classic Google circa 2010, people might like it.

However, it comes at a cost. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Alphabet pays Apple $8 billion to $12 billion a year to make Google the default search engine on iOS.

Still, replacing Google on the iPhone and ensuring that users’ web queries aren’t leaked to third-party data brokers, which works well with Apple’s privacy-centric software changes and marketing campaigns, is a big blow to Google’s business. may give

Apple wants to compete with Google Maps, which makes money from advertising and referral fees

Since April 2021, when companies like Facebook and Snap launched new privacy policies that ban the easy creation of user profiles and tracking of app-to-app behavior, these companies each have a share of 58. % and 84%.

Google could still be a better search engine, but if they wanted to find me, a potential cancer, who would want that information? Anshu Sharma, CEO of data privacy platform Skyflow Mr.

The third front in Apple’s battle could prove to be the most devastating. It’s an online advertising ambition that Alphabet accounts for over 80% of its revenue.

Last summer, Apple posted a position on its jobs page that it was looking for someone to drive the design of a sophisticated, demand-side platform that was as privacy-focused as possible. DSP is a digital media buying tool that allows advertisers to purchase ad inventory on multiple exchanges.

The job ad is a sign that Apple is building a radical ad network that will reshape how ads are served to iPhone users and eliminate third-party data brokers.

Keith Weisburg joined the role in September as Group Product Manager for Ad Platforms. Weisburg was a senior product manager for Amazon’s DSP, where he also worked for Google and YouTube for 10 years.

According to Insider Intelligence analyst Andrew Lipsman, Apple’s move on three fronts makes Alphabet’s position within iOS seem more vulnerable than ever.

He said Apple is becoming more and more motivated to get into the search business as it builds out its advertising division. Search is key to a wealth of company data, making it the new battleground for the future of digital advertising.




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