ChatGPT impact: Google, Microsoft and Baidu race to launch next-generation search engine
When ChatGPT was introduced, many declared that the days of Google as a numero uno search engine were over due to ChatGPT’s ability to break down complex problems and explain everything like a human being. Although it is controversial, the impact of ChatGPT on the industry cannot be denied. Seeing the endless possibilities of this technology, Microsoft not only brings out an investment gun, but also plans to integrate ChatGPT into its products. But these are just a few examples of the wider impact of AI chatbots. Today we will see how the industry as a whole is responding to the advent of AI chatbots.
Google raises its stakes on ChatGPT
While Google provides a list of internet links upon query, ChatGPT goes a step further to provide information in clear, simple sentences that are much easier to understand. On top of that, it adds the ability to generate content from scratch. There’s still a lot of room for improvement, but technology and its potential are pushing Google to the edge. The company has reportedly declared code red out of fear that AI chatbots could disrupt its search business.
According to a report in The New York Times, Google has called on founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin to help fight the AI threat. The two reportedly approved plans to add chatbot functionality to Google and pitched the idea. They also provided advice to corporate leaders who are changing existing plans and increasing investment in AI development. The company will launch more than 20 of his new AI products and will also introduce a version of his Google with chatbot capabilities.
However, while the idea of including chatbots in search is new, Google isn’t the first to do so. Search engines such as NeevaAI and beat Google, both of which are currently in beta. Google, on the other hand, is the current leading search engine with billions of users, and is likely to adopt the technology once it becomes confident in its accuracy.
This is evident from the fact that Google has been working on language model technology for many years as part of the LaMDA (Language Models for Conversational Applications) project.
Microsoft puts more money into AI and ChatGPT
Microsoft doesn’t have much competition with ChatGPT. The Redmond-based company has invested heavily in OpenAI over the past few years. The creator of ChatGPT said he spent $1 billion in 2019 and another $2 billion in the years that followed. He was paid $3 billion for the massive computing power OpenAI needed to build a chatbot. Most recently, the company announced it was investing another $10 billion, but this time over several years. The announcement comes less than a week after the company said it would lay off 10,000 employees amid a deteriorating economic climate.
Armed with ChatGPT’s advantage, Microsoft is finally in a position to compete with tech giants such as Google, Amazon, and Apple. The company is preparing to add a chatbot to its Bing search engine to attract users from Google. Bings’ market share is currently only a fraction of what Google enjoys, and Microsoft appears to be betting big on chatbot integration. There is a way to go, but this feature may be introduced in the coming months. Therefore, the initial release may be restricted to a limited user group.
Microsoft recently announced that it will soon add ChatGPT to its cloud-based Azure services.
Baidu aims to launch an AI chatbot for search engines in March.
Chinese search giant Baidu is also looking to launch an AI chatbot, joining Microsoft and Google in what could be a race to set the stage for the next generation of search engines. Baidu is working on his ChatGPT-style application native to search engines, according to a Bloomberg report on Sunday. This will be deployed as early as he March.
With this tool, Baidu users can get human-like responses to their queries, similar to what ChatGPT produces. According to Bloomberg sources, the tool will be built on Bidus’ own large-scale language model, his ERNIE. Little is currently known about ERNIE because its functionality is not published.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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