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Do you speak earth english? Why future interplanetary migrants have trouble chatting


In the age of unilateral interstellar space travel for generations, humans can communicate… [+] each other?


Do you know what is Uptalk?

That’s when someone makes a statement that sounds purely a question because of the intonation they use last. Also known as its High Rise Terminal (HRT) or ascending refraction.

Now people are always doing it. This phenomenon began in Australia about 40 years ago, straddled the United States, and is now common to all age groups throughout the English-speaking world.

Next, imagine a scenario where there is interplanetary habitation on another planet. Where there are isolated human communities. Where immigrants from the earth arrive at the colony, which has been in space for many years.

Will humans be able to communicate with each other in future generations of unilateral interstellar space travel for generations?

Both old and new colonists may have a hard time understanding each other, but the messages sent to and from people returning home on Earth quickly become meaningless.

They are questions explored in a new paper published in Acta Futura, the journal of the European Space Agency Advanced Concepts Team.

The language will fall apart as the community becomes more isolated from each other, so the language will soon change, not only among the settlers of the isolated interplanetary settlements, but also between the passengers of the arriving spacecraft. ..

Both old and new interplanetary colonists may have difficulty understanding each other.


Andrew McKenzie, Associate Professor of Linguistics, said: The University of Kansas co-authored language development during an interstellar journey with Jeffrey Pansuke, associate professor of linguistics at the University of Southern Illinois.

According to the authors, if the crew is physically and socially separated from the Earth, it is 200 years long enough for significant changes to occur. If the community is very small, it’s probably one lifetime. They estimate from examples on earth. Polynesian settlements across the South Pacific from 1500 to 1800, settling English speakers in New Zealand’s isolated colonies of the 1800s, and unique Texas language in Texas for three generations through World War I. -Development of German dialect.

People on earth may never know about these new words unless they have a reason to tell them. The farther you go, the less you have to talk to people who go home, McKenzie said. The generations will be gone and there will be no one on earth especially for these interstellar travelers to speak. They have little to say. Because they only find out after a few years, and then years later they get a reply.

An interstellar spacecraft leaving the earth for future deep space travel.


On many years of voyage, the dialects will merge. For generations of mission, new dialects and even new languages ​​have been solidified.

The individual connections of interstellar travelers and colonists to Earth can decline fairly quickly. If you have Earth’s English and Ship’s English and they are different over the years, you need to learn a little Earth’s English in order to send back messages or read the instructions and information that came with the ship And Mackenzie, an English-centric study, simply emphasizes some broad concepts.

In addition, the language of returning to Earth will change, and the language of communication between humans trapped in the Earth and humans living in colonies will be an old-style language used solely for that purpose. Does anyone want or need to learn how to communicate with people on earth? Or vice versa?

The authors suggest that old-style English may be retained for purely ritual or religious use.

They also recommend that crew members of ships arriving in the colony may want to learn the local language before arrival to prevent discrimination. They write that all new ships essentially take language immigrants abroad. Will they be discriminated against until their children and grandchildren learn the local language?

So, next time I look up at the stars, remember that someday there may be a spacecraft, including a human, desperately trying to learn all its utterances to sound like a question. Put it down please.

Clear the sky and wide eyes

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